The Tree

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Me, Jihoon, and Dino are ordered to go get a tree. We groan and moan. We would much rather be at home instead of outside in the cold. We tell this to S.Coups and he just yells at us to go. We go over and ask my mom if we can borrow her car. Since I have a drivers license I drive it to the nearest tree farm with instructions from Jihoon. When we climb out of the car we walk up to the tree's. After walking around for a little but we find a good one and we ask for them to wrap it. The people who own the place wrap it up and put it on the car. We drive home and the boys take it off the car and bring it in the house. They put it in the tree stand and we start to decorate it.


After we finish we turn on Christmas music and they start to dance. I sit down on the couch with a hot chocolate. Jodie is dancing with Dino, Niki is dancing with Vernon, and Juliet is dancing with Hoshi. They all look extremely nervous. Jihoon steps in front of me and holds out I hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asks just as 'Let It Snow' starts to play. I laugh and give him my hand. We start to dance. I look outside.

"Ji... look..." I say. When he looks at me I point outside. It's snowing. We laugh and continue to dance. I lay my head on his shoulder as we continue to dance. I hear a picture being taken but at this point I don't even care. I'm happy.

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