party time

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As we pulled onto Logan's street cars were every where, teenagers were pasted out in the yard. Some of them making out, and others just having sex. As we walked up to the door a very sad Logan approched me.

"Hey Jess I almost thought you weren't coming I was so sad. Hey you brought Remington!" He slured.

"Yeah glad I could make it anything for you." With that he slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Here let's go get some drinks." He dragged me and Remington with him to the kitchen. There was someone there being a bartender surprisingly. He wasn't too bad looking either.

"What would you like?" He asked us politely.

"I'll have a screw driver and he will have some whiskey on the rocks." I said pointing to truck boy.

"Here you go." He handed us our drinks. I smiled and walked away.

Truck boy left my side after that. I walked over to where everyone was huddled dancing. I danced for a while with Eli. Then all of a sudden someone grand my hand. I turn around and find out it was Remington.

"We are going to play truth or dare." I just looked at him. Eli can with us after he noticed I was being dragged away. We entered a room with our usual group. Logan, Eli, me, chase, Stephanie, and now Remington.

"Hey glad to see you guys aren't having sex." Chase says to me and Eli. All i could do was roll my eyes.

"Okay, whatever let's start I wanna go first. Remington truth or dare?" Stephanie starts out.


"Go up to a random girl and snack her ass." He does as told but gets smacked we all laugh at him while he glares at us.

"Jessica truth or dare or shot of whiskey because I know you will chicken out." Oh truck boy let's see then shall we.


"Okay, I dare you to sit on my lap the whole night or you have to chug 3 bottles of whiskey." Well played. So now im sitting on his lap he is resting his head on my shoulder. I don't know why but this is giving me butterflies.

"Logan, truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you like Stephanie?" Instead of answering his face flushed red and he took a big swig of whiskey.

"Chase truth or dare?"


"Makeout with the hottest girl here." He started walking torwards Stephanie I rolled my eyes. Then he turned around and then made out with me. I was shocked at first then it was over and relief washed over me.

"Jess truth or dare?"


"Make Rem hard while sitting oon his lap." He whispered in my ear I just nodded.

"Eli truth or dare?"


This is easy since Stephanie likes him. "Makeout with Stephanie for 1 minute." When they started they didn't stop we had to pry them apart.

"Hey someone is trying to burn the house down come quick!!" Some guy yelled in the room. Logan jumped out the room everyone followed. Sure enough someone made a flame thrower and tried burning people. After that Logan had everyone leave even us. So now me and Remington are walking to my truck.

"Where do you live?"

"Nope not happening were going to your house since you weren't able to sit on my lap for the whole night unless you want to chug whiskey."

"Fine but I don't know where your gonna sleep."

"I'm with you duhh."

"Whatever you know what I don't care anymore."

When we got back to my house I took a shower and so did Rem. Then we crawled into my bed.

"I swear if you try anything I will chop your dick off." He just nodded.

"Can we cuddle?" I did not expect him to ask that.


He came closer to me and I cuddled up to him my head on his chest his chin resting on top of my head. Our legs are tangled together. I fell asleep listening to his steady heart beat.

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