ik chickens old fashioned

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Jessica's POV

I woke up to My nose being squished up against a bare chest. I can't remember anything from last night I started to freak out. And hipervenalating. The person turned and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Jess calm down it's only me it's Rem breath in and put slowly it's okay." His words calmed me down I don't know why in so on edge. Oh I have to train because Sunday night is the street fighting championship. I have to fight some guy named vipor what ever that's about.

"What happened last night?" I asked quietly. I'm hoping I didn't do something very bad.

"You got drunk so I brought you home and you wanted me to stay the night." Oh okay that's good. "After you conceded your undying love for me." I slapped his chest kinda hard.

"No I didn't." After that I got up and took a shower. Alright when I get home I will let him take my Colorado back home so I can train all day it's already 11am. When I was done with my shower I wore a pair of spandex and a compression shirt with a cute pink sports bra it is gold. When I stepped out i handed him his shirt back he was already in his jeans. "Alright here are my Colorado keys I have some work to do so bye see you later." Thank God it's Friday and we don't have school.

"Um okay be careful." Then he left alright let's goo. I decided to take my black Ferrari. I ride to an old town with mostly older people. I ran 3 miles to start my training. When I finished I practiced getting faster. Yes I chase chickens don't judge it helps alot. At this farm that have the fastest chickens there is. I caught 3 before I moved on. Now time to test my reflexes. I did my work outs till 11:30pm.

When I pulled into drive way Remington was sitting in the Colorado asleep. I knocked on the window he jumped then got out.

"Um I was just- I mean I felt bad taking your truck so around ten I came you weren't home so I fell asleep." He seemed nervous.

"Come in I was getting ready to make a smoothie I will make you one too." He agreed.

After we had our smothies he said he wanted to talk I agreed.

"Okay this has been on my mind what do you mean your scared that your gonna and up like your dad that you only feel safe if I'm with you your freaking me out." I did not expect that to come out of his mouth it scares me to actually tell him the truth.

"Okay so Sunday night there is a fight it's a championship fight. It's down to me and some guy named vipor so I'm training and I'm just afraid that if I win he will kill me. When I'm with you I don't have a card in the world you know more about me the Eli. That's saying alot. It's just that you make me feel safe." He was really quite win I finshed. He just stared at me. I don't have the guys to look at him so right now the floor is my best friend.

"Look at me." He said quietly. I is now standding in front of me. When I did he crashed his lips on to mine. The kids was so gentle it was like he thought I was going to break. I pulled away for air. I didn't relize I was standing now. He rested his forehead on mine. "I hope you know I really like you and nothing will happen to you wj old I'm around I promise." He kissed me on the forehead. "Come on its getting late let's go to sleep. That's just what we did I was stressed out and tired asoon as i touched my pillow I was out.

For the next couple of days Rem has helped me with traain with the fight. He also helped me mentaly. The fight is now tonight I hope I will make it out alive if I win or not.

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