the princess

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Remington's POV

Right now we are on our way to Jess's fight. She told me I'm not alowed to leave I have to be with her. I also promised her I would never leave her at a time like this.

"I'm so nervous right now. I never get this nervous." Jess was freaking out.

"Hey it's okay the worst that could happen is you lose. Fight tonight like you are about to die."

"I will fight for Brielle." She murmured more to her self than me. I wonder if she knew the same one. Mine was my sister's best friends kid. Her mom is you g through a tuff time but she visits Brielle alot I was never there when she did tho. I got her name tattooed on my because she calls me daddy since she could talk. She is my little princess.

"Why did you get the name Brielle tattooed on you?" Her question brought me out of my thoughts.

"Well my sister her best friend had a kid. The kids mom was going through a tuff time. My sister agreed to take care of her till the mom can take her back. She sees her mom ever week no matter what. I'm usally not there when her mom visits. Since Brielle was young and could talk she called me daddy. She is my princess." She nodded then smiled.

"I hope you know she talks about you all the time." She smiled real big.

"What are you talking about."

"Is your sister Breanne Moore?"


"Well Brielle is my child. I had her a couple months after my parents died and I didn't have the time to fully take care of her so my best friend is helping me take care of her. Also we have the same birthday. She just turned 3 this year. You are one of her favorite people in the world just so you know." I stoped the car and pulled over as soon as she finished.

"Omg. So every time you win a fight what do you do with the money?" I don't want to go deep in with Brielle as i just found out i like her mom.

"I buy Brielle what ever she needs before I do anything else. She is the main reason I fight. When I graduate I'm going to take full custody of her so we can fully have a life." I was so surprised. As silence fell I got back on the road and drived. I kept driving till we finally made it. Jess has her hoodie all ready to go.

"Alright don't do anything stupid I know how you fight you suck." I stuck my tounge out at her. As we got out of the car I noticed the guy already up on the ring he looked really buff. What if she loses.

The fight began slow. Throwing a few punched to the lower abdomen really hurt that guy. Jess threw a big left hook to his jaw. He fell like a sack of potatoes.

"1...2...3...4...5... he's up he's up." The reff screamed the fight was back up. She gave the same exact spot on his jaw a hard blow even harder than before. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 knock out!" The reff boomed through the warehouse everyone cheered. "Ud is now the best street fighter to ever live." He shouted again. Then she ran off stage and jumped in to my arms."

"I'm so proud-" She interupted my by kissing me. I took no time to kiss back. Our lips miles together like that were many for each other. Till it got interrupted by the reff.

"Ud has won $13000. And I'm guessing the guy of her dreams." She blushed. I winked she went to collect her money.

"Hey can we go to Toys 'R' Us?" She asked.

"I don't see why not." Then we left.


"Will that be it?" A polite boy asked us from behind the counter we are buying Brielle a gigantic giraffe.


"Your total will be $150.50." We handed him the cash then left.

"Since there is a barn at my house in getting a little shutlyn ponie for brielle. I'm aslo gonna have her live with me." That surprised me. "You can move in too if you want so that she has her daddy. I don't want to take that figure away from her." That makes what I'm about to do alot easier.

"I will move in if you answer my question." She nodded. We are currently in the parking lot. "Jessica Ryder will you be my girlfriend?" I am on one knee and have a silver promise ring in my hand her eyes want really wide.

"Yes, yes, yes!" She screamed.

"Good." I slipped the ring on her and have her a peck. "Tommorow we can set up Brielle's room with the giraffe and the things from her other room. But for right now I'm tired and you need a shower for your bruises." After that we hopped in the car and drove home.


I had asked Jess why she didn't have a tattoo of Brielle's name. Then she lifted her shirt it is across her right ribcage. Then she slipped into the bed with me. She tucked her head in the crook of my neck. While I raped my big arms around her small figure. I held her close to me like someone was gonna take her from me. I now feel likey life is complete. I have my queen and my princess. Nothing better can happen now. I drifted to sleep thinking about my 2 favorite people.

Jessica's POV

Right now I'm freaking out on the inside. We are on our way to see Brielle. Oh great we are here. As we walked up to the door I want to knock but it opened out came a happy Brielle.

"Mommy daddy yay you guys are together!" She screamed as she hugged me and Rem at the same time. When she let go I want in and saw Bree watching tv.

"Hey I herd that you want Brielle tonight?" She kinda asked.

"Well no she is going to move in with us I'm ready for her."

"Ah good. Also good luck her things are packed up."

"Oh okay." I headed torwards her room and started picking up boxes and moving then in to the truck. Eventually Rem decided to help. When we finished I turned and looked at Brielle. "Are you ready to live with me and daddy?" She nodded her head. "Good. Let's go pick out a ponie."

She ended up picking a Oreo looking one she named it superman. When we got to the house she helped us set up her room how she wanted it. It like amazing. Her window even had a veiw of superman. Her room was also next to ours just in case she gets scared. I haven't been this happy in a long time. The day flew by fast. Right now we are tucking Brielle in. We said our goodnight and gave hugs and kisses. She was asleep before I want to our room. We were so tired all I slept I was my bra and underwear while all Rem was wearing was his boxers. Then I dozed off thinking that I finally have my king and my princess. My king makes a good pillow I let sleep take over me.



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