First Day

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"Wake up!" said a overexcited Pheonix trying to wake up her roommate."5 more minutes" Maya replied covering herself with the blanket. "Not my fault if you get there late..." Pheonix trailed off on her way to wake up the rest of the Ocelots. "I'm up!" Maya said and she sprinted downstairs. "Well Lukas and Gill are downstairs, Maya's getting ready, time for Aiden to wake up" Pheonix said heading towards Aiden's room. "Wake up" she whispered. His response was just to turn the opposite way. "Wake up!" she scream-shouted. Nothing. "AIDEN I SWEAR TO NOTCH WAKE UP!!!". Nothing still... "You asked for it...PINK FLU-" she said cut off by Aiden "Don't.You.Dare." "Get Up!!" "Fine!"
"We're all ready right?" Lukas said making sure everyone had their stuff. "Yeah" everyone answered. "It's still 7:20AM we have 30 mins till school starts" Pheonix pointed out. "I'm going back to sleep" "NO YOU ARE NOT I DONT FEEL LIKE WAKING YOU UP AGAIN!!" "Remember you can't shape shift or use physic over there" Maya reminded Pheonix. "Almost forgot. Thx" she answered. So at about 7:30AM the Ocelots were on their way to Minecraft High School.
"This school is enormous" Maya said looking at the building in front of them. "Nervous?" Aiden challenged. "Don't test your luck" Pheonix responded as they entered Minecraft High School. Suddenly you could hear some screaming in the background. "Run..." Lukas, Maya, Aiden, and Gill said at the same time. "Why are guys popular or something?" Pheonix asked. "One word; fangirls/boys" Maya said. "Oh, well then good luck with that"

Some Avoiding Fangirls/Fanboys Later

"Well it's almost time for one of my classes see ya later guys" Maya said as she headed towards room 2A. Soon everyone headed towards their respective classes. "Okay class please turn to page 115 in your math books" Mrs.Sanchez said. "Hurry up bell..." Pheonix muttered to herself.


BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!! Everyone in class got their stuff and left to go get ready for their last class. "Hmmm...
room 2C..." Pheonix said to herself as she looked for her class. She wasn't paying much attention as she bumped into someone on her way there. "Sorry..." she apologized. "Don't sorry about it" said the guy and headed off to his class. Pheonix noticed he was wearing a white leather jacket with a wolf head in the back.


After their classes ended, the Ocelots met up in the fountain near the gate of the school. On the opposite side of the fountain another group known as the Howlers met up. The Howlers consisted of Layla; a dark brown haired girl with olive-green eyes, Fawn; a orange haired girl with brown eyes, freckles, and black glasses, Anne; a girl blonde hair with blue eyes, and Terris; a guy with light brown hair that fades to green and has brown eyes. "Hey Layla" Gill greeted "Hi Gill" she responded "I reckon you two know each other?" Pheonix said questionably "We have history class together" he explained "Oh". Gill and Layla talked for a bit with a few interruptions from Pheonix "Hey um... Pheonix was it? Can I talk to you. In private" Layla said somewhat irritated "Uh okay?" Pheonix said as Layla lead them to a place.

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