23|| What About you is Real, Anyway?

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Chapter 23: What About you is Real, Anyway?

Be who you are, and say what you feel. It's not being rude, it's just being real.


I could feel my heart fall to my feet.

I knew that Nat couldn't have had any evidence against me, but she was undeniably smart and she usually knew what she was doing. The fact that she could've had the guts to blurt her theory out to Dylan, who was obviously close to me, scared the hell out of me.

Dylan's eyebrows shot skyward. "What makes you say that, Natalie Spencer?" he asked coldly.

Nat chuckled dryly. "So you're getting mad at me for figuring out that precious Day June Winters is a phony? Ah, how logic works these days."

I was using all my self-restraint from not jumping at the phone and screaming into it like a lunatic. I was also kind of paralyzed with fear. Jase shot me a concerned look, but I just waved it off with a tight smile.

"Nat, shut up. I know how much you hate Day, but stop trying to get other people to hate her too. That is just low and disgusting." Dylan said with a firm tone.

I could hear Nat grunt in response. "Okay, think about it. Isn't it weird that one fine day this girl shows up with some weird deficiency, and then when she doesn't get enough attention has to go on about how she knows Starlight?"

I really hated that girl.

Dylan rolled his eyes again. "What do you mean by she doesn't get enough attention?"

Nat laughed evilly, and the sound pierced my spine. "I mean, she just lands up with her dorky glasses and braces, desperately begging for everyone to notice her. She claimed she had a freaking governess, and she was always trying to squeeze her way into the in crowds no matter how far off she was from getting in. It might be natural for her to feel this way, considering the fact that she's an only child and is probably used to being alone at home with everyone's eyes on her. High school is different."

Dylan bit his lip and avoided eye contact with me. I could feel my whole face heat up and I looked to the ground, angry tears trying to shove their way out of my eyes. No, I wasn't going to show any weakness.

"Honestly, what proof do we have? If Day really knows Starlight, we should be able to get some proof." Nat continued.

"What do you mean by proof?" asked Dylan.

Nat chuckled. "I mean, yeah. I know that Starlight followed Day, but what if that's just because she followed the first 100 people that followed her? If Day really knows Starlight, tell her to call Starlight up now in front of everyone."

My heart dropped to the ground.

No, no, no, no. No, this couldn't be happening.

Dylan smiled triumphantly. "Yeah, I'm sure we'd be able to get her to do that. I trust Day. Thanks for your concern, Nat. It's not appreciated here."

Oh gods. Oh good, good gods.

He then hung up and Jase and Dylan looked at me expectantly. I chuckled softly.

"Heh... I'll just go get my phone then!" I said, running upstairs. My heart was pounding so loudly that I was afraid that my ears could hear nothing else but the rushing blood like a crashing river with its dam just broken.

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