Your Heart Bleeds Silver

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Hello I am Savannah and this is my first story on Wattpad but I have edited for people before. I hope you guys love the story and I dedicated this story to my co-writer, HushWaves!



"Bye Hun, have another good year!" My mum yelled out of the car window as my family drove off, leaving bits of dirt dust in the air that were flicked up by the moving wheels.

I watched as the car drove down the dirt road and exited out of the grounds. Well, I returned for another year, just the thought of me being back made me excited and nervous.

I sighed and gathered up my courage and turned around.

There stood the St John's Boarding school.

A school for well behaved students who respects others and their properties, who are also helpful and considerate, willing to put others first. Furthermore, for teachers who works hard and is well-mannered and pleasant....

The school's 80-year-old stone walls stood proud before me. The green moss that covered the walls, gave its pale stone some color. The clouded, dirty windows didn't also help with the school's color.

Even of the state this place was in, I have missed it, I thought as I picked up my luggage.

I took a deep breath and took a step towards the reception. As I took my step a loud smashing nose came from above.

A whooshing sound, then I was a dark large object crash right near my feet.

I felt myself smile as I took a look at the object, a stereo.

Clearly, with the broken glass, the missing button's and obviously from the fall, it was clearly broken.

"Hey sexy, you nearly got yourself killed on the first day!" A loud voice came from above, followed by a group of laughs and wolf whistles.

I slowly looked up and saw a couple of guys that were poking their head out of a smashed window that was several floors high.

A school for well behaved students who respects others and their property...

"Well hello there Annabelle, back for another year I see," Said the same voice, a voice that I remembered since last year.


Sid was one of the dorm parents that are scattered around the campus. He did a crappy job last year by nearly killing me before school even started, that should tell you a ton about the guy.

"Do you want a couple of boys to come down and help you with your luggage? They have helped so many other's as well!" He gave me a bright smile, while the other guys were snickering.

"Yeah... I have a feeling that when you say you will help means a totally different meaning from you..."

"You may say that." He replied with a smirk plastered onto his face.

They were all looking down to the right near the lake...

Curiosity overcame me. I looked in the direction, that they were all looking at.

Looking out from where I was standing, I saw red, blue and black items floating on the top of the dirty lake that was beside our school...

What the heck?

Then it clicked.

"You evil bastards!"

They all started to laugh uncontrollably.

A school where students are helpful and considerate...

"I hope you survive this year Anna!" Sid yelled after me as I stepped around the broken stereo and walked down into the reception. 

I opened the door to find the receptionist sitting down with a slight frown on her wrinkly face as she wrote down something on the paper in front of her.

This is going to go well...

I approached the old women slowly. I waited for a little while, but she didn't even bother to look up at me.

"Hey, I was just-"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?" She gave me an bristling glare.

Rage pickled through me, no one talks to me like that and gets away with it, "I don't know. Your will maybe?"

Her old face darkened and turned a dark shade of red.

"Go sit your skinny ass down and wait until I'm finished!"

I huffed and sat down on the old falling apart sofa.

Furthermore, for teachers who works hard and is well-mannered and pleasant....

I leaned back and smiled.

This would be the best school to take your child. I wouldn't change it for the world...

Your Heart Bleeds SilverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon