Your Heart Bleeds Silver (2)

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Chapter 2

 After the run on with the so called brothers, I found Alice stuffing her face into food. Luckily, there were still decent food left that I was able to quickly eat. Now here I am stuck in a car with Alice.

"Okay explain to me again why we are here?" I said as I turned my head to face the driving seat, where Alice sat.

I was in fact fearing for my life.

Alice and cars don't make a good mix. Last year, she crashed 7 times, and she still has the same car! However, the car is really slow which is a scar from one of her accidents. I've always wondered how she got her licence!

Apparently she felt me glancing at her because she turned around to face me,"Alice eyes on the road!"

"We are here because we are getting new dresses for the welcome party," she spoke while rolling her eyes at me.

'Does she not realize how much dresses we both have in our dorms?' I thought with a sigh.

I looked back up to see Alice driving really close to the side walk. BUMP! Great, she managed to drive on it this is not the time to get into another accident.

"Alice!" I yelled.

"What?" She shouted in alarm as if nothing was wrong.

"What are you doing?"

"I am looking in the stores to see what they got." She said in a innocent tone. Then I notice that there were rows of shops with magnificent and colorful dresses on show.

A beeping sound came from behind the car.

I looked around and saw a beeline of cars. Now I noticed we were probally going four miles per hour and Alice was holding up them.

I turned back to face her "Go park the car, then go in!"

"No, it's raining!" she whined.


"Yes! Go park. You have people waiting!"

"Fine!" She huffed as she made the car jolt the the left, making the tires screech into a parking area on the side of the road.

"I think you need to pay," I muttered.

Alice shrugged, "We will only be a minute."

I held back a laugh, a minute is an hour for Alice. "Fine, but dont yell at me when i say i told you so." I said as i got out of the car.

As soon as i made two steps I was drenched. I didn't know it was pouring this bad.

Alice growled as if she was a dog, "This is the second time today I got my hair wet!"

We both sprinted to the nearest shop which turned out to be a small cafe.

"Lets just stay in here till the rain clams down," Alice said while we both sat down at a table waiting for the waitress.

"Yum!" Alice spoke loudly which caused me to jump in my seat and look at her questionably, "There is so much i want!" She concentrated looking at the menu like a homeless person.

From the looks of it the old couple across from us, people are gaining the impression she is one.

"You're still hungry? You had majority of the food in the canteen at the campus!"

Alice huffed annoyed, "That was an hour ago!"

I shook my head as we told our meals to the waitress.

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