Your Heart Bleeds Silver (3)

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A glare made its way onto my face as he slid into my booth. Who knew going to a café could bring so much trouble.

"Hello beautiful," Pierce whispered to me. Why doesn't this boy understand I want nothing to do with him? "So what brings you here brother?" He addressed Gideon.

I faced Alice and took in her appearance. She looked like a tomato, her cheeks were in full bloom. However, the red was fading slightly and her eyes where downcast at the table.

"Nothing really, I just planned to get out of the house today," Gideon stiffly stated. It is unreal on how all these guys are brothers. First, there was Pierce the one who was extremely cocky. Then the raging brother and the innocent brother's incident. Oh and then Lynk eyed me like I was his prey. Now we met Gideon. Some of the brothers have to be step-brothers.

"Anna," I heard quietly, "Are you okay?" I was broken out of my train of thoughts and peered to see Alice glancing at me under her eyelashes. A chuckle escaped my lips at the scene, never had my friend looked so innocent. Even though, in reality she is quite the opposite, an absolute psychopath in a good way.

The time came to leave, because I swear I could hear crickets chirping in the background. Both brothers were having a stare down over the wooden circular tabl, if looks could kill then they both would be dead. Pushing Pierce out of the strawberry coloured booth, I stood up letting my aching muscles stretch. Alice's eyes bulged out of her head as I yanked her over Gideon. Hearing a loud thud I glanced down to see Alice on the ground glaring at me.

"What was that for?" she yelled, not caring about the stares of the poor innocent elders in the teeny café.

"Come on, we are leaving," I snorted while giggles escaped from my mouth. I heard the thumping of Alice's stomping and knew she was following right behind me. At least she broke out of her trance. Arms encircled my body and cologne filled my nostrils.

"Goodbye," a voice cooed in my ear. The echoing slap was heard by the audience that was created in the past seconds. I didn't hesitate to sprint through the exit, the blistering freezing air felt like a ton of bricks. The pouring rain only grew worse, they felt like daggers when they hit your body. My peacoat and jeans started to feel like my skin themselves when they became wet. Running through the puddles I finally set eyes on Alice's raggedy car. Alice skipped to the driver side of the car, making sure to skip in the largest puddles that she could find on her way there.

"That scenario was interesting," I hesitantly spoke, through the awkward silence. Luckily, the car wasn't towed because we never bothered to pay for the parking area. Alice turned the car into the busy road that was filled with beeping cars. Looking through my condensed window, colorful dresses were shown in the windows. However, we were making a beeline straight back to the campus to avoid further awkwardness.

The wooden door slammed behind me as Alice and I set foot into my dorm. Alice will be moving into this dorm, even if the teachers don't allow it. They are stubborn all by themselves. Various dresses were on show in my closet; however, they weren't as fancy as the ones in the window displays. The welcoming party was scheduled for today, even though it was completely rainy outside. Parties are usually held in the gym anyways. Suddenly, I was flung into a chair and it felt as if my true self was being mutated. Alice plucked my eyebrows leaving a stinging sensation, then yanked on my hair trying to brush it out. Eventually, I was allowed to actually put on my dress. I undressed silenty and slid the floral strapless dress on to my body. Changing around Alice wasn't awkward at all, it felt as if we known eachother forever so there was no reason to make it weird. After all, Alice and I were as straight as a pole, and not a curvy pole!

By the time I was dressed into my outfit, Alice was already ready. Her straight blond hair complimented the forest green dress wonderfully. Her face looked dormented, letting me know that she is ready to go. Alice is honestly the most impatient person I have ever known, and I have no clue how she's actually still my friend. Maybe it's the fact that she's nothing compared to everyone else in St. John's.

"Ready?" She pestered, while hopping up and down. Stifling a giggle, I nodded. Alice tugged me out the dorm, locking it on the way out, and dragged me down the hallway towards the gym. Torn up streamers dangled from the ceiling. The teachers didn't bother to tape them all the way, because students don't hesitate to pull the already torn up streamers down. Through the crowds of snickering teenagers it was easy to separate the trouble makers from the new students. Newbies lingered in the crowd, with terrified expressions on their faces. Veterans of St. John's, who were confident enough to come back, were either hugging or doing weird handshakes. While clawing Alice's hand off of my shoulder, I followed her into the gym.

Only to see a large group of people who were my last year classmates. Ever since I was young I was terrified of a huge group running up to me. And that is exactly what happened. All I heard were chants of "Annabelle!" before I pummelled to the ground. My vision blurred, then turned to a solid black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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