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Marcus: Helllooooo

Katie: Heyy Butler ;3

Marcus: Hayy Princess :3

Katie: How's things?

Marcus: There gooood, been doing something special for my erm.... family..

Katie: Cool ;)

Marcus: (((;

<7 mins later>

Marcus: What about you? ;)

Katie: Thought you never ask (; xDD

Katie: I'm gooood twooo thanks ((;

Marcus: copy cat xD

Katie: Meow =^-^=

Marcus: Kitty 😀

Marcus: My kitty 😍

Katie: I'm my own cat! ((;

Marcus: ):

Katie: 😝

Marcus: Still MY kitty 🙄

Katie: if you say so xP

Marcus: Princess kitty 😃

Katie: shut up;-;

Marcus: You love it really ((;

Katie: sure

Marcus: ((;

Marcus: Are you in the same room as me? ^-^

Katie: Unless you are under my bed, then no 😜

Marcus: What if I am? ;))))

Katie: ;-; omgg Marcus xD you legit made me look under my bed xD

Marcus: You wish I was there (;

Katie: you know, you must not have many friends if you text me this often ((;

Marcus: I could say the same for you, since you always reply (;

Katie: If I say yes, will you delete my number and never text me again because ima loner?

Marcus: If you say yes, then it's a better reason for me to NOT delete your number since I have no friends either😋

Katie: Then I guess you're keeping my number? ;-;

Marcus: I can feel a friendship rising (((;

Katie: No

Marcus: )):

I am legit excited when writing this book😁

And I can't wait till JoeSuggFan2014 will apper in this book 😄 she will be writing those chapters ((; (The Emoe part)

I'll be writing the Matie part ;))))

And we both will fill in the rest xD

Hope you enjoyed ;3 please come back again when the next update is out (;

*Free Cheese to all*

Texting Marcus Butler (Marcus and Joe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now