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<Marcus PoV>

Katie doesn't know, but I'm going to surprise her by going to her house. I can't wait till I meet her, I can't wait till I hear her cute little laugh, I can't wait till I can see her smile again, I can't wait till I can hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be alright. I can't wait to k-

She's so nice, funny, adorable.....I think I got a crush. She's not like any of the girls I met, she's different.


As soon as I drove up to Katie's house, I parked my car, got out and walked up her driveway to her front door.

I hesitated for a few minutes.

What would she think of me just turning up at her door, will she be mad? Happy? Mix emotional?

Do I really want to do this?

After a couple of seconds of finding that answer, I carefully knocked on the knocker.

No one answered, so I knocked again, but this time a little harder.

I then whipped out my phone and texted Katie:

Marcus: Kitty, open your door ((;

Katie: No, wait why e.o

Katie: wait a second🙊
Suddenly I heard footsteps running down the stairs, and before I could even blink, the door opened wide. In front of me stood a figure smiling up at me.

"Surprise" I smiled.

Katie wasn't even mad, I'm pretty sure she was excited tho, as she didn't say anything, but gave me a hug.

I hugged her back.

"I'm so glad you came" Katie cried into my shirt.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah" Katie smiled, looking up at me.

We both gazed into each others eyes, having that moment. I wanted to kiss her so bad.

(Katie's PoV)

Me and Marcus gazed into each others eyes what seemed like forever. I was blushing like mad, but I didn't want to look away and ruin the moment, but how could I? He had the most gorgeous eyes; like hypnotising who ever looked into his eyes to make them fall in love. Right now it's working.

His lips were temping; I wanted to kiss him, yet I didn't want to break the moment we having. I wanted to gaze into his eyes forever...

(Marcus PoV)

Man her eyes are beautiful. There like shining like a star. The most beautiful thing I ever seen; well next from Katie of course. ((;

Before my mind made a decision, I leaned in and kissed Katie right on the lips....

(Katie's PoV)

Marcus kissed me??! :OO

I have to do something, this is a sign for me to kiss him back, if I don't, this might be my last chance to kissing him.

What do I do? ._.

Before I could make a decision, I leaned in and kissed Marcus back, staying like that for a good few minutes.

Dam, Marcus was a good kisser.

(Marcus PoV)

Man, Katie is a good kisser. Not like any of the other girls I have kissed in the past; Katie was different.

"Are you going to stand there all day swallowing each others faces, or are you going to come inside?" Someone said, making us jump out of our skins, and back into reality.

Right then I could feel my cheeks burning up as we pulled away from each other.

"Sonny!" Katie said, half annoyed, while blushing all the same.

"Get a room will you please" Sonny said, trying to be funny. "Can I at least walk to the kitchen, without you swallowing guys up? No wonder you never eat"

"For your sake, I have never swallowed boys, if I never kissed one!" Katie said, getting wound up.

"Jeez sis, can't you take a joke?" Sonny said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm your first kiss?" I said excitedly.

Katie tried to look away, but I could still see her blushing, but man she looks adorable.

"Anyways I'm go-" Sonny said, stopping his sentence halfway through, "w-wait, your Marcus Butler?!!"

"That's my name, don't wear it out" I winked then giggled.

"Man, Katie's lucky that she's dating you" Sonny said shocked, but excited.

"We not dating" Katie said.

"So your single??" Sonny said, excitedly, "even better"

"Yet" I winked at Sonny, and smiled down at Katie. Well I hope we can more then just friends.
I'm feeling that Katie's brother, Sonny has a crush on me.

Well he's definitely showing that he does, and since his room is filled up with pictures of me. I have never been so freaked out in my life; I mean what's more scarier then 1000th of your own eyes scaring right back at you, demanding that there the real Marcus Butler and that I'm the fake one.

"I, er, didn't want you to see my room like this" Sonny blushed, "I know it's stupid and babyish....you can laugh if you want, I'm pretty much use to it, being gay and all"

"There's nothing wrong with being gay" I smiled down at Katie's younger brother, "I'm just glad that your a fan and support in what I do. I will always have you back"

"Really??" Sonny said, looking up at me excitedly.

"What are bros for, huh?" I smiled.

Then Sonny leaned right into me and gave me a hug. I didn't hesitate or anything, I gave him the hug back. I'm glad that I can put smiles on people's faces.

Cri, when I was writing this, I thought this story was real life, and that I was with Marcus.

How I wish I could be with him right now ):

And it would be a dream come true if he could read this fanfic on his fanfic Friday ^-^

Love you Marcus😘💚💚

But fhsbdjjshxuwklqhzurbizbthskduwki4ux7jcuwkxiqbcusjrindj4jz Matie kissed :OOOOOOO ^o^ 💚💚💚💙💙💙

Hope you guys are enjoying this book (: not long now till JoeSuggFan2014 takes over to write her bit (((; Why not follow her while you wait??

Chapter question: What do you think will happen next with Marcus and Katie? (Matie) ;)))

*Free Cheese to all*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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