96 5 3

Katie: Marcus rjwnjckk

Katie: dkqmmxjrkwllekd

Katie: Where are you when I need ya ):

Katie: See what I did there (((;

Katie: But seriously, this is urgent :/

Katie: Please reply...

<15 mins later>

Marcus: Whoa Katie, you ok? :o

<4 mins later>

Marcus: Kat?

Marcus: Kitkat?

<3 mins later>

Katie: I don't know who you are, but don't text Katie again!! -.-

Marcus: Who are you?? e.o

Katie: I'm Katie's best friend, and I just happen to be looking out for her..

Marcus: Well so am I mate..

Katie: *beep* off -.-

Marcus: *beep* hell mate >.> watch your language xD

Katie: I could say the same for you-_-

Marcus: You know what? I won't talk to Katie again if that's what you want!!! -.-

Katie: Thank you (:


<The next day>

Katie: I'm really sorry about Noah, Marcus :/ He's just out to get me all the time.....please don't stop talking to me..):

Katie: Ever since he turned violence, I don't really feel safe around him...:/

<2 hours later>

Marcus: ....

<30 mins later>

Marcus: I don't want to lose you Katie...:/

Katie: I don't want to lose you either ): I'm sorry:/

Marcus: It's fine (: He doesn't seem like a best friend?

Katie: He's not!! Well not anymore...

Marcus: Then why did he say he was?

Katie: That's what he wants you to think, he wants to ruin my life..

Marcus: I don't like him-.-

Katie: Same....ever since he ditched me for the populars....

Marcus: :OO He has no right to call himself a best friend -___-

Katie: He's always saying that I was a mistake...

Marcus: Well you are ((; a happy mistake (: 💙

Katie: Cheeky ;D but I do love that song ^-^ 💚

Marcus: (((; I'm always here for you

Katie: Thank you Marcus 🙂I love you 💚

Katie: OMG, I'm so sorry :o I was meant to delete that last part :x

Marcus: I'm glad you didn't ((;

Katie: Your such a flirt ;))

Marcus: But you love it ((;

Katie: I guess I do ;)) 💚

Marcus: ((; 💙

Marcus: I really want to meet you :(

Katie: Well we don't know what each other looks like..

<Marcus starts facetiming>

I hold my phone in my hand, should I pick up? But what if he turns out to be some creepy old man? I had all these thoughts going though my head and before I could make a decision, Marcus hanged up.

Marcus: You didn't pick up :(

Katie: I was scared that your not who you say you are...

Marcus: You lost your chance to find out now... ;)

Katie: :(

Marcus: Should of picked up then shouldn't you ((;

Before I typed a reply, my thumb had a mind of its own and went onto facetime to start calling Marcus back, hoping that he would answer. Before he did answer, I had my thumb covering the camera just in case he was some creepy old man. If he was, I was ready to hang up straight away. But when he answered, I was in a bit of a shock...
"Mar-Marcus B-B-But-Butler" I stammered, frozen with shock.

"Can I see what you look like?" Marcus pleaded.


I uncovered the camera showing myself to Marcus.

"Wow" Marcus said, speechless, "your really pretty"

Then I blushed.

"Your cute when you blush" Marcus winked, then giggled.

"Shush you" I laughed along with him, still blushing. "Your cuter anyway"

"Not really" Marcus winked, "I'm glad you didn't freak out as much as I thought you would"

"Well, I have been talking to you for 3 months" I replied, winking back.

" Is it a bit much if I asked what city/town your from" Marcus asked.

"The same as you" I winked, "Brighton"

"Are you from the coast of Brighton?" Marcus asked surprised.

( A/N: I don't really know any places in Brighton, or the town where Marcus lives, so I'm just going to make it up 😉 don't laugh;-; it was the first thing what popped into my head xD and yes I'm allowed to laugh xP )

"Yes" I replied, "How you know?"

"I was just checking, cos that's where I live" Marcus replied.

"I have to go now" I said, and pulled a sad face at the camera, where he could see.

"Will you text me part of your address, so I could see how far you are from me?" Marcus asked.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Bye" Marcus smiled back, "love you"

"Love you two" I said, as soon as the call ended.

(Back to texts)

Katie: *sends address*

<6 mins later>

Marcus: You live 10mins away from me :o

Katie: :o ^o^ 💚💚💚

Marcus: Can't wait to meet you ^-^ 💙💙💙


Your in luck cos there's an extra long chapter just for you ^-^

Chapter question: What do you think will happen when they meet?
Leave your answer in the comment section below and you will find out if your right or not when they DO meet ((;

Hope your enjoying this book so far (: ^-^

*Free Cheese to all*

Texting Marcus Butler (Marcus and Joe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now