Drabble Six

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Demi has a girlfriend and she doesn't want the world to know? (I'm making her girlfriend Naya cause I ship Daya SO MUCH)

Demi was scrolling through her twitter and saw the latest pictures of her and Naya walking out of the airport. She couldn't help but tear up. Couldn't paparazzi leave her alone?!

"Baby what's wrong?" Naya asked running into their bedroom over to their bed to comfort a now crying Demi.

"They-I-We." Demi chocked out.

"Shh baby it's okay." Naya said kissing her forehead.

"No it's not! The paps are always up our asses since I'm playing your love interest on glee! and I'm not ready for them to find our about us yet." Demi said sobbing into her girlfriend.

"Dems. It's okay. We can always make something up." Naya said

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm still really insecure." Demi said sniffling.

"Hey. There's no reason to be insecure. You're so sexy and beautiful and I love you." Naya said kissing her girlfriend. Demi couldn't help but smile into the kiss. This is what she wanted. A nice healthy relationship. Without the world knowing.

Demi DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now