Drabble Sixteen

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Can you do one where a girl is abused and she goes to a M&G and Demi sees the bruises and she suspects something but the girl denies it but later on Demi finds her being beat up by her boyfriend and saves her

The girl, barely over 15, waited anxiously in the meet and greet line. She was shaking, that was an understatement. She didn't know why she was so nervous to meet Demi, although the woman did save her life countless times when she thought of giving up. Demi was that one ray of hope that got her through her toughest days.

Right now though, shes been going through a rough few months, her boyfriend of six months beat the shit out of her at least 5 times a week.

She was next in line to meet Demi and her hands started to shake. She didn't understand herself right now. She was going to meet her idol, all her bruises, scrapes and cuts were caked in make up. Demi wouldn;'t suspect a thing.

It was her turn to meet her and she slowly walked up to Demi.

The second the girl walked into Demi's sight she saw through the girls make up. She saw the swelling of her eyes and the amount of bruises on her face. Demi knew something was up. This wasn't just a minor accident.

"Hey sweetie what's your name?" Demi asked her.

"V-Veronica." She stuttered looking down at her nails. She didn't know why she was being so shy.She always imagined how hyper and excited she would be meeting Demi. But here she is.Waisting her time over thinking everything.

"Well, it is so very nice to meet you Veronica. You are so beautiful. And the bruises that cake your delicate skin hide your natural beauty and your smile. Because, sweetie i can see right past that fake smile. What's going on honey?" She asked.

Veronica swore her heart stopped.Tears welled her eyes and she just stared blankly at her beautiful idol in front of her.

"N-Nothing." She stuttered.

"Are you sure sweetie? You know you can tell me anything. I'm always here for you." Demi said. Veronica almost cracked, but she didn't she couldn't.

'Yeah, nothings going on. I just fell down a flight of stairs. I'm so clumsy." Veronica faked laughed.

Demi sighed, she was disappointed. She wish the girl would just tell her what was going on. But she knew that she couldn't just meddle into random peoples lives. Demi hugged the girl so tight, took a picture with her and the girl was escorted out of the room.

Demi ran her fingers through her hair as the Meet and Greet ended.

Throughout the whole concert Veronica kept getting texts from her boyfriend. Each getting more and more threatening. Her boyfriend potentially ruined the concert for her. But it wasn't anything Veronica wasn't used to.

When the concert ended Veronica went into the back of the arena where her boyfriend was picking her up. He was 20 minutes late. When he arrived, she immediately smelled the alcohol on his breath. He was only 18, but a 15 year old dating an 18 year old wasn't your ideal LEGAL relationship.

When Veronica got into the passenger seat, she was immediately granted with a slap to the face. Tears burned her eyes as she looked away from him. She didn't want him to see her weakness.That's what he craved.

He grabbed her perfectly curled hair and slammed her face into the car window. Little did she know that Demi's tour bus was parked back there and Demi saw the whole thing and had security and Max on the way.

Just as the douche was about to punch Veronica, his arm was grabbed by security in the Window and the car door was swung open, he was dragged out.

Demi ran over to Veroncia and took her in her arms. Veronica felt so bad. She didn't wand Demi to worry about her or anything. But she was kind of happy she didn't have to deal with him anymore.

Tears started rolling down her face as she was pulled into Demi's chest as Demi cooed at her and ran her fingers through Veronica's long brown hair.

"It'llall be okay, I promise." Demi said lifting the girl up bridal style and bringing her to the bus. If her boyfriend was picking her up she obviously had no family to look after her, so it was Demi's plan to let this little beautiful teenager live her life to the fullest. Because thats all that Demi wanted when she was Veronica's age. She wanted someone to look after her and tell her everything was going to be okay, because it was.

Demi was determined to make this girls life better.

A/N To ANYONE who is abused or is suffering through something...you can get better. you need to tell someone. keeping it all a secret isn't helping anyone and you're just hurting yourself more. Even if you tell one of your friends you need to tell someone... I'm always here for each and every one of you. whether you need advice, something to smile at,or even a joke. I'm here for you and i love you and you all are SO BEAUTIFUL I love you. I don't know why I just got so sentimental ahahah love youuuuuu.

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