A Bump in The Road

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-back to the bus-

"Sooo mate, how long were you two at it?" Typical James. I didn't mind. Of course I would be sexual with Danny. Just not at that point. I carried a suit case up the few stairs leading into the tour bus. Danny was behind me with two more. We went to the back and set them on his bunk. Danny piled them on, "Eh, we'll sort that shit later, it's time to get a little fucked up don't ya think, love?" I looked up at him and gave him a soft kiss and shouted "Hell yeah!!"

We ran into the kitchen area of the tour bus, where the other 4 sat around tweeting, or talking. "I'm gonna go get some booz boys!" Danny pulled me close and kissed me hard while groping my ass and finally smaking it. The other boys chuckled and he walked out.

I have to admit it was slightly awkward being here without Danny. But I decided to sit. I plopped down next to Ben who was on Twitter. So I casually pulled out my phone and got on Instagram. What? 2,763 likes and 103 comments on one picture?! I clicked to see what I had posted. Shit. A picture of me and Danny, drunk off our asses. I really don't remember this shit. Oh well, I put my phone back in my pocket.

I looked up to find that Ben was staring me directly in the eyes. He got really close and whispered in my ear, "We need to talk.. come with me for a second?" He stood and offered his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Gladly Sam, Cameron, and James payed no attention to us. Ben led me to his bunk, which I guess was the only private place to really talk.

He suddenly got serious. I could tell in his eyes he was scared. "Tori, I'm going to be honest. I like you, I really like you. I don't see you as a sex object, although you're bloody fucking hot, I genuinely care about you dear." He gently brushed his hand on my cheek. I didn't know what to do. I hesitated a moment and finally forced the words out, "I.. uh, I don't know what to say." I saw his expression change from scared to confident. Oh no, did I send the wrong signals?

I guess I did. He pulled me in a for a big hug. Like a nice person, I hugged him back. He then pulled away and got really close. He slowly but passionately kissed me. I was in a shock. I couldn't pull away, that would be bad. So I let the kiss continue. It began getting deeper, every second felt like a minute. His hands exploring my body was a turn on, but I couldn't let him know that. I'm Danny's. What is he doing? I jerked back. His eyes slowly opened and he whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry. I had to. You're beautiful in my eyes." He turned and walked away.

I rushed into the bathroom. I shut the door and sat on the floor, slowly tracing my lips with my finger. Danny never kissed me like that. Not that much passion. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I'll just forget that ever happened. But now what do I do? Wait in here for Danny? Or go out there and face Ben after this just happened.

My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling. I need food. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Danny.

'Omg I'm starving. Can you get me something to eat while you're out? Pleeaaseee'

'Well of course. Can't let my girl starve.'

'Yay! Thanks babe :)'

'you're welcome, love'

-20 minutes later-

Danny finally came with food. God I was excited to see food. He handed me the food and sat on the couch next to Ben. I quickly began scarfing down the food. I felt like I hadn't eaten in days. Ben and Danny had small conversation about last nights show.

Ben stood up and raised his cup. "Ready for the road boys?" he looked at me and continued, "and the lovely Tori?" I raised my cup and we all yelled "yeah!". Ben walked up to the bus driver who looked annoyed. "You heard em' mate." And within a minute, we hit the road.

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