Wrong Turn

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I stormed out in raging hell and yelled fiercly, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing Tori?!"

She turned around quickly and I watched her face fade to fear. Good, I want her to fear me now. She unwrapped herself from Ben quickly and took a few steps back. I felt the anger building up inside, and I was like a tea pot ready to explode every where. Ben stepped forward, I saw the look of dissaproval in his eyes.

Ben quickly responded, "You don't know how to treat this lad! She deserves better!"

"She was perfectly fucking happy before you fucked it up!"

"No Danny, she loves me! She bloody loves me!!" Ben paused, and stepped aside "How about we let her chose. End this bullshit Tori." He glared at me intently after requesting her to decide.


I had never expected to be in this situation. I stood there awkwardly staring at the both of them. I wanted both of them, but I knew that wasn't possible. If I chose one, would I lose the other?

I contemplated for a while until Danny interrupted my thoughts, "Get on with it!"

I heard the anger in his voice and it made me jump. Ben reached over to rub my arm. His single touch felt like the warmth of your favorite childhood blanket, mixed with comforting memories. I was instantly relaxed, even with Danny's harsh stare as I looked into Ben's eyes. I looked to Danny, who was blood red and ready to burst. I didn't want to crush anyones heart.

I stuttered, "I-I'm sorry D-Danny."

He instantly knew what I meant, his head dropped down. "I really thought we shared something special, Tori." My heart was shattering as his voice shook. "I loved you, hun. Too bad we'll never know what could have been." He turned around and went inside.

I looked to Ben, who was holding out his hand. I interlocked our fingers and we walked to his car. I stared out the window at passing lights, and run down homes. Mixed emotions made it hard to keep consitant breathing. I had no idea what was next.

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