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[here's a longer chapter but if I get a thousand views I'll write a really good chapter for once]

[semi-spoiler: I mean really good chapter as in there is going to be a huge plot twist]

"It's been a minute."

and within that, I left.


After I left my Alex boy, I rushed to the bathroom at walmart right away. I didn't want to go back to Target because it reminded me too much of my broken love. Thinking about him makes me want to cry, I can't I cheated on him.

We r over </3

okie dokie enough about Alex bc it really is time to change my menstrual product.

I opened the tampon package and it turns out that all, and I mean ALL of the 20 tampons in the box was FaKE!!!


Literally what is in the box was just a bunch of rolled up papers.

I took one out and unrolled it, it has Alex's handwriting on it in sharpie.

it reads, Alexandra bby i miss u hunnie ~ Alex

Ugh what does this boi want I am done with him

I am so so so so So SO SOOOOO mad at him rn

I freaking paid three dollars for this whole box and this is what he gives me:

FAke rolled up papers (tampons)

I really can't deal with this anymore because literally I can't walk outside without a menstrual product or else I will LEAK out bllod (oh no)

Instead I just shoved the roll of paper up my va jay-jay and carried on with my day.

Oooooh they r sooo comfy

I don't feel bad for Alex at all hahahaha :D


I go home but then I hear groans in my bedroom. wTF?

I grab my katana from my vase in the hallway of the first floor.

I ran up the stairs, tripping, but still running (DASI RUN RUN RUN)

More groans, moans, and screaming cam from inside my room. "TF is someone having smut in MY rOOM!"

I opened the door, my katana close to my chest.


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