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Harry's POV

I had just woken up when I heard laughing outside my door. I looked around the unfamiliar room and confusion shot through my head. What the hell happened. Did I pass out? I checked the time. Holy crap, it was almost midnight. I tasted alcohol. I groaned into the pillow as the laughs outside my door got louder. Who the fuck is that? I got up and noticed I was naked. Oh no. What happened? Did I have sex?

Fuck, this is why I shouldn't drink. I always fuck shit up. I began to get my memory back. The last thing I remember was Payton or was it Jamie, storming out of here. She was angry, I don't remember why though. I put my clothes back on as I heard someone hit my door followed by more laughter. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and opened the door. Whoever the fuck woke me up is going to get it. I wasn't expecting what happened next. Someone must've been leaning on my door as I opened it, because they fell back onto me, but I caught them before they fell to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked the person I was holding. I realized it was a girl as I still kept a hold of her waist. She replied with a yes and started laughing. It was then when I noticed that it was Jamie. I don't know what the hell was happening. I was too drunk to care. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes. It was then when this black, muscular, tall guy yanked her out of my reach. She almost stumbled on her foot, but laughed it out.

"I'll take her from here." He told me.

He grabbed ahold of Jamie's arm and she tried to pull away, but failed.

"Where are we going?" She asked as he lead her to the room next to the one I slept in.

I stopped him before he took another step.

"I don't think that's a good idea mate." I tell him.

He pushed me away, "Fuck off dude. What me and her do ain't yo business."

My fist balled up in anger. I shot him a threatening glare.

"I said, this isn't a good idea, mate." I told him as I pushed him back.

Jamie stood there holding his hand in confusion. She looked too fucking familiar. That's when it hit me. She was wearing a cream colored shirt under her leather jacket that read 'I make mistakes. So what?.' It was the same shirt one of the girls I use to fuck back when I still went to college, wore. Jamie was that girl. There was no forgetting that shirt. How did I not realized it sooner?

"Look, I don't want problems. I am about to make passionate sex to this goddess. Don't fuck with me." His words interrupted my thoughts. Did he just call her a goddess? He's a fucking joke. His eyes were a deep shade of red. He was high.

He tried to take another step, but I stopped him.

"Look at her. She doesn't have the slightest clue of what's going on."

"Move aside." He threatened.

I grabbed ahold of Jamie's arm and headed downstairs.

I was pushed up against the wall before I got the chance to escape. Why am I going through this for someone I used to just have sex with? Because I would slit the throat of any guy who tried or even came close to my girl. Anger shot through my body as the thought of Jamie getting violated crossed my mind. Before thinking, I let go of Jamie and threw a punch, hitting him right above the jaw. Jamie started laughing. He fell down. After a while of holding his jaw, he got up and ran away. Fucking pussy. I took Jamie into the room instead. I locked the door and returned my attention back to her.

So many memories crossed my head with her standing in front of me. Memories like when I would fuck her so hard she'd be sore for the entire day. She looked really fucking good.

"You know, you shouldn't be getting drunk and hooking up with random guys. It can lead to trouble. Remember?" I tell her.

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