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The room spun. What? Where am I? I heard someone crying in the distance. Fuck everything was in slow motion. My face ached- why can't I move my arms? I tugged. I closed my eyes and shook my head. The noises no longer sounded like they were in the distance, but much closer. The room was white and I was tied to a chair. I couldn't move my arms or legs. What had me confused was the table that stood in front of me. It was a long wooden table. It had a few things on it, but that was all.

I looked to my left and saw Bo. "Bo," I called out for her. She looked unconscious. She was also tied up in a chair a few feet away. She looked horrible. She looked so damn pale. The arm with the white 'bandage' was soaked in blood. Oh god, I need to get her to a hospital.

"She won't wake up." I turned around to see Tessa crying. "She won't." She lowered her head and cried.

"Are you okay? How long- do you know where we're at?" I asked trying to break out.

She shook her head. "No idea." She cried harder. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." She gulped. "I don't know why I followed you. I just- I'm sorry."

"How'd you even know I left?" I asked her.

"I heard you," she sucked in air. "I couldn't sleep, so I when you yelled Luna, I ran over to your room to make sure you were okay," she sniffled. "When I saw you holding her, I walked away."

"Tessa," I shook my head.

"I should've never followed you. I'm sorry, I- when I saw the guns," she gulped. "I panicked and grabbed one. I thought- I thought you were in trouble."

"Do you have any idea in how much shit you just put us in?" I sighed. "Fuck Tessa, fuck."

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry. I wanted to help." She cried.

I shook my head and remained silent. There's got to be a way out of this. Think about what Kirsten use to tell you when she had to train you in boxing.

Everyone and thing has a flaw. Find it and you're set.

As much I tried, I failed. It was too damn hard. Just then I heard Bo groan. I turned to look at her. She looked so damn weak. She faced me.

"Bo, I- where gonna get out of here okay?"

She looked at us and slowly shook her head. "No," her eyes teared up. "Not you guys." She cried.

She was still in just her bra and pants.

"Glad to see you're all awake." The yellow door swung open. It was Harry... followed by Payton.

"Mmm," she hummed. "Surprise to see you here." She looked directly at me. "These two good for nothing assholes I can see in here, but you, not as much." She laughed and I sat there unamused.

She leaned over me. "Lighten up, Jamie. You like being tied up, no?" She laughed.

"You're even more pathetic than I remember you ever being. Look at yourself, scooping to this bastards level...just to get attention."

"I don't need attention, scumbag. I have it all. Money, men, jewels, everything." She leaned forward. "But don't come saying shit," she said as I saw Harry empty something out onto the table. "Mrs. Malik." She laughed.

"Besides knowing how to please me, he's also a great father, no?" She continued. "Maybe I should go find him and make him and Luna company now that you're 'kidnapped'."

"Don't try anything Payton." I warned. "I will kill you with my own two hands." I said through gritted teeth.

"Momma bear protecting her baby cub." She laughed. "How sweet." She walked away. "I always wondered what would happen if you were to separate the cub from the mom. Would momma be angry?" Harry huffed.

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