Friday June 10th, 2016: An Interview with trueathenian!

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This week, Felicity from The Wattpad News was able to sit down with trueathenian, the author of The White Capes, and ask some questions about his story and his start on Wattpad!

Felicity: So how did you first find Wattpad?

trueathenian: A friend of mine told me about this site where we can publish our works and read those by others. That was about three years ago. I made an account and read some works, but then didn't sign in for a long time. I have only been moderately active since the past year.

Felicity:  Oh, okay. Then The White Capes  isn't that old. Speaking of which, how did you first come up with the idea of White Capes?  And did you ever feel like the story was so bad at one point or another that you felt like you just wanted to trash the story and start anew?

trueathenian:  I can trace it's inception back to one character- Edwin. I had a clear idea of what his character would be like and all that. TWC Universe was made after that. The universe doesn't revolve around him, rather, it was made after the character was. And for the other question, I have never felt like abandoning the White Capes project. Though I feel like I could have done some parts better, and I will definitely attempt to do so in the next drafts. It has been a very fun experience from the start. And what's more, I am learning along the way.

Felicity:  That's great! Your love for your White Capes certainly seems to have paid off since it seems like it's made its rounds on Wattpad. What do you credit your success to? Do you think it was a regular updating shedule, pure luck, or something else?

trueathenian:  To give an answer to that, I would have to know the complete workings of the Wattpad logarithm, which I don't, and I don't think many people do. Some of it is secret from the users (like ranking system for instance). I think it may have to do with some of the interaction with the community, my readers here and yes, like you mentioned, regular updates. I make it a point to thank every person who adds The White Capes  to their lists or drops a vote, and I reply to every comment (unless Wattpad starts hiding notifications in which I am lost). They are not just blank words- I really am grateful to every person who takes time out of his or her life to read my work. Also I am open to criticisim and people reviewing my work. I am here to improve my writing, so every bit of support helps!

Felicity:  Well said. I think a lot of people on Wattpad (myself included) want to know the secret of success, but sometimes the majority of what goes into making a story successful is unknown. Like you had mentioned earlier with the Wattpad ranking system. Alright- so I just want to ask one more question... What's your most favorite way of entertaining yourself?

trueathenian:  The easiest way to entertain me is to make me laugh! So I like to watch/read comedy, whether it be slapstick humor or black comedy. And I have a soft spot for any works with the humor tag. Lol! I will laugh at even the most ridiculous jokes. I believe if someone is taking the effort to make you laugh, you should appreciate it. "Laughter is beyond entertainment, for you cannot exist without it."

Felicity:  Lol, I knew I liked you for a reason! Thanks for taking some time out of your day and agreeing to the interview! 

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