Fri. July 15th, 2016: The grand ol' Shire tour! (TheOrangutan interview)

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Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took gave Felicity from the Wattpad News a tour of the Shire on early Saturday morning this week.

"The big thing is to not get caught by Gandalf," Pippin was quietly explaining. Felicity, Pippin, and Merry were hiding behind the large fireworks tent. "But if only one of us are caught, we never sell each other out. That would be dishonorable."

Merry paused for a second and glared at his friend. "Pip- you do realize that what we're doing could already be thought of as dishonorable, right?"

Pippin shrugged and had lit the match, setting the large firecracker fuse on fire. The three ran away as the tent exploded with colors. Gandalf investigated the matter further but couldn't detect the trouble makers. The trio hi-fived each other behind bushes about a quarter of a mile away. The Wattpad News hopes to visit The Shire again soon.


U P C O M I N G    E V E N T S


Saturday July 16th, 2016: DawnStarling will update Round 47 for NBR reviewers to comment on spotlighted author's chapters.

Monday July 18th, 2016: Thin-Tin-Missy will try to update her book of Slaphappy Silliness.

Sometime next week: a-dora-ble will probably be updating her book of Salty Rants. The Wattpad News team gets a kick out of reading her updates, so we ask you to pop by for a spell and a laugh.


N B R    N E W S    C O R N E R


This round's spotlighted authors include leah_tee 's Pieces of Olivia,

KillYourDarlings7's Black stars,

and writervid's Night Witch.

The Wattpad News team strongly encourages you to check out their stories when you have some free time- the writers aren't spotlighted for nothing!


P O L I C E    R E P O R T S


Wednesday July 13th, 2016: _internet_queen_'s Humorous Insults and Comebacks are still somehow able to update even though she said awhile back that she wasn't able to update her book for some reason. Instead of simply unfollowing her, Thin-Tin-Missy decided to whine about it to the police.

Tuesday July 12th, 2016: A neighbor sent in a noise complaint in their area. The police were sent out to investigate and found a large, badly structured house in the middle of an alleyway. A boy named Zim with a green skin disorder apologized for the ruckus and his strange dog nodded in agreement. Creeped out, the police left the place for the night and is keeping tabs on him.


W I L L I A M    S H A K E S P E A R E    W I T H    T H E    W E A T H E R



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