The Boy who Lived, and the Worst Birthday Ever

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I couldn't believe what was happening. One moment everything is okay; we were in the sitting room, celebrating my birthday and watching daddy make puffs of colored smoke erupt from his wand for the amusement of the Harry. He was laughing and trying to catch the smoke, to grab it in his small fist. Then the next moment I knew, mummy was bringing us upstairs and a man came into view outside.

He was over the threshold as daddy came sprinting into the hall, leaving his wand on the couch long forgotten.

"Lily, take Harry and Quinn and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!" Daddy yelled.

The man laughed, "Avada Kedavra!"

 Mummy screamed and started blocking the door.

"Mummy what's going on?" I asked desperately.

"Quinn, please! I beg you to be quiet for our safety!" Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she looked toward the door. "Please James... you can do it. Please... don't be dead."


"Quinn please, we must hurry!"

Confused and anxious, I obeyed her.

It's all very quiet except for the sound of tapping getting louder and louder.

I gasped quietly as the footsteps stopped at Harry's door. He forced the door open, cast aside the chair and boxes hastily piled against it with one lazy wave of his wand. At the sight of him, mummy dropped Harry into the crib behind her and told me to get behind her and threw her arms wide.

"Not them, not them, please not Harry or Quinn!"

"Stand aside, you silly girl... stand aside, now."

"Not them, please no, take me, kill me instead-- "

"This is my last warning--"

"Not Harry and Quinn! Please... have mercy... have mercy... Not them! Not Quinn or Harry! Please-- I'll do anything..."

"Stand aside. Stand aside, girl!"

A green light flashed around the room and she dropped to the ground.  "MUMMY!" I screamed.

Harry had not cried all and stood, clutching the bars of his crib, and he looked up into the intruder's face with a kind of bright interest, perhaps thinking that it was daddy who hid beneath the cloak, making more pretty lights, and mummy would pop up any moment, laughing. But tears one by one trickled down my face as I knew the grieving truth. "Mummy..."

He pointed the wand very carefully into Harry's face: Harry now began to cry in realizing the truth of the stranger.

I looked from the man to mummy. The fact hit me, making me shake in fear: mummy and daddy are dead, and that cloaked man killed them.

I don't know what took over me, but before I knew it, I leapt towards him and gave him everything I had. Tears streamed down my face and I was loosing energy by the moment.

After he threw me across the room in response, I remembered my size in the first place and knew nothing could be done. We were finished.

He stepped over mummy to get to Harry.

"No! You can't hurt Harry! Kill me!"

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