The Flaw in the Plan

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It was finally time, the 31st of August. That was the day I went to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies and put the rest of my plan into order to get to Hogwarts. I had the perfect idea in my mind of how to get there too.

Looking around to make sure no one was awake, I rearranged the letters of my Hogwarts letter to become a letter of acceptance to 'St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurable Criminal Girls'. Uncle Vernon would never refuse this. Even better, it would explain why I disappear ever year.

I pocketed it for when Uncle Vernon makes me get the mail later. In the mean time, I crawled back into the cupboard and took another great look at the map of Diagon Alley. Okay, Diagon Alley lies just behind the Leaky Cauldron. According to this, I have to hit a brick with the wand and a passage will open up. Interesting. St Brutus's is over--

I lost my train of thought as Harry stirred and I quickly shut the map inside the book and shoved it under my pillow.

Harry seemed to be having a little nightmare as he muttered softly some inaudible words. His face scrunched up in gentle frustration. I hope it's not that dream he told me of yesterday, I don't want suspicion to rise.

For the sake of him jolting awake, I put my wizarding books away along with my father's wand. In the mean time I decided to go ahead and get some breakfast.


Uncle Vernon was the first to rise. At first, he was a little skeptical of why I was awake at this hour. Luckily, his guesswork subsided once he demanded his morning meal.

Did someone slip some Felix Felicis in my orange juice this morning? How is everything falling so perfectly into place? I wondered as I 'accidentally' made the morning post fall upon the floor, bringing it to Uncle Vernon's attention.

"Give me that you filthy brat." Uncle Vernon spat. Gladly, adding my letter to the pile with a sigh, I handed him it.

I watched as Uncle Vernon eyebrows lifted in surprise then shift into pure glee. As he looked up my eyes shot to the newspaper cover I was pretending to be suddenly interested in.

"Well Quinn, looks like the world came to their senses. You have been accepted to St. Brutus's and we are leaving tomorrow." Uncle Vernon beamed in delight.

"WHAT!?" I gaped. I have been practicing this in my head for weeks. Who knew the Dursley's could be so predictable? Me.

"Oh yes, they just have finally realized you lot are trouble. Next year the boy will most likely join you too." Uncle Vernon jeered.

"No, you can't do this to us! We didn't do anything!"

"Tell that to this letter of acceptance. They only take the worst of the troublemakers and they must have clearly been observing--"

"No! You can't! See, you don't even have my supplies for school!" I counterclaimed.

"Well guess what? I'm taking you today, and you're gonna like it. They might even have some special place for you, most troubled."

I knew it was an act but at this point, true anger had erupted inside of me and my face turned red. "Most troubled?" I repeated. "Most troubled!? I'll tell you who's most troubled you son of a--"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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