The Dream

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Ever since my 11th birthday, I've been stalking the mail, being very cautious that my Hogwarts letter does not get intercepted by Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia.

I remember my dad and mum's stories of Hogwarts. That's where they met, it's also where dad met his best friends Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

I got all the books I could find about common and useful spells so I could become familiar. I also read up a bit about Hogwarts and other places of the wizarding world.

I wanted to keep it all away from Harry to keep him safe. Having this in mind, I read when Harry's eyes could not find anything about magic. I delicately wrapped my books in other boresome covers Harry would not pick up.

Over the years, I stood up for Harry when Dudley would bully and pester him, even though I was also in Dudley's whale-like shadow. No matter, I would always try to keep Harry safe. Harry would often tell me not to, and that he was okay, but I knew that bullies should be brought justice. At least Dudley spared us his giant's clothing when he outgrew them.

Today was special though, not just because Harry was turning 9, but today was when I found out if Hogwarts would accept me or not, and if so, I would have to accept this letter in secret.

I decided that I would put a mouse for the owl in Dudley's room for his stuff and wait there. My plan was flawless, the only thing that worried me was--

"QUINN!! I want you to make us breakfast! Have you forgotten!?" Bellowed Uncle Vernon

"Forgotten that Harry and I are slaves? No, it's more like I'm waiting for the most important piece of parchment in my life." I muttered with a scoff and I scurried downstairs.

I met Harry downstairs and quickly helped him with the bacon he was burning in panic.

"Here you are cannibals." I muttered as I threw the plate of bacon on the table.

"Excuse me young lady!?" Aunt Petunia exclaimed. I winced, I hated when she did that. Just the way she said young lady sounded mocking.

"Er- yeah. Cannibals. You're pigs aren't yah?" I stated with somewhat confidence as my heart pounded in my throat.

Harry tried not to laugh and managed to forge a cough. He looked as if he wanted to congratulate me, but was also scared I would get in trouble me.


At that precise moment I heard it, the unmistakable screech of an owl. Everyone looked at me for a moment then back to the ceiling.

Dudley was the first to speak "What was--"

"Oh I think a fellow pig is here for the family reunion--"

"That-- that sounded like an owl Quinn." Harry said in awe. I nearly face-palmed. I ended up smacking him upside the head.

"Stupid boy, owls only come out in the night." Uncle Vernon scoffed.

"Yeah, well it was probably just a pigeon. I will get it." I said pretending it was just another agitatingly tedious job.

Once I was safely upstairs, there it was. The owl was perched on the top of the stairs with a mouse in it's beak and to my greatest joy, a letter tied to its talons with the Hogwarts emblem shining from it.

I gently untitled the letter and read it carefully:

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

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