It's always been you

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"God, she's beautiful" I accidentally say out loud. My friend Bobby, looks up from taking a breather,"Who?" I point to the blonde girl on the cheer team."Her. Do you know who she is?" He laughs, "Come on Ronnie, don't you think you should take a break from whore-ing around the school? Huh you little man whore." He says teasingly while punching me. I laugh, "I don't know man. It's a new year, I think I might actually slow down and try to find the right girl this year." He laughs,"No fucking way! Look everybody Ronnie boy is having a hallmark moment!" He yells just loud enough for us to hear messing with me. I say, "Oh shut up you little bitch. At least I don't actually watch that gay shit." He laughs, "Whatever bro, hurry up." I turn back around and stare at the beautiful, mysterious, blonde girl. I start walking up to her and I hear my coach, "Church! Get back here we have a play to run! We can't do it without the quaterback! Jeez." I look at her and She flashes me a smile, I throw her back one of my famous flirty Ronnie smirks."Come on lover boy we don't have all day!" I say under my breath, "Whatever, Coach Cockblocker." I turn around and run back to continue football practice.

Later, I walk out of my Physics class and walk up to my friend, Lenny. "Hey man, do you know where I can find a girl that is willing to help me not be a dick?" He laughs, "This might be a long shot and you could risk your popularity. I have an idea though." "What is it?" He says, " Have you heard of Alexis?" "You mean the really quiet girl that's always hanging out with that loser, Sam?" He laughs, "That's the one. You should go up to them at lunch and talk to her about it. I think she would be up for it." I shake my head, "Well I guess she's my only choice." I bump his fist and walk off.

As I'm walking through the line in the cafeteria getting random food thrown on my plate by the irritated lunch ladies. My eyes are scanning the lunch room for Alexis and Sam. I finally see them in a back corner at a table alone. Sam, Wearing all black and a leather jacket. How the hell can he stand wearing a leather jacket in this weather? He has long reddish-brown hair. Then my eyes go to Alexis, shes wearing all black too, as well as a leather jacket but hers is a half jacket.Her firey red hair hanging down her shoulders and in half her face. Eyes as green as grass on a beautiful Summer day. I can't lie she is pretty attractive, but my sights are set on another girl right now. I paid for my lunch and walked over to there table and sat down. "Excuse me?" Alexis says. Sam, doesn't even look up. He is too busy with his headphones in to notice what is going on. I say, "I need your help." She scoffs, "I don't even know you." I stick my hand out, "Hi I'm Ronnie" She shakes my hand. "There now you know me, I need your help."She rolls her eyes, "Fine, what do you need?" I take a bite of my potatoes, "I need help to stop being a dick." She laughs, "Oh, this should be fun." I say with a mouth full of chicken, "What do you mean?" "I just met you and you already need quite a bit of work." I swallow my food, "Like what?" As soon as I say that I hear, "Oh, good God!" I look over just as, Sam jumped. "Who the hell are you?" I say, "My name is Ronnie." Sam, rolls his eyes, "Don't scare me again and we won't have a problem." I get up, "Do we have a problem?" Sam, gets up and stares me down, "Maybe we do." Alexis jumps up, "That's enough both of you! Just sit down and eat Jesus Christ." I say, "Yes ma'am!" And salute her. Sam just sits down and puts his earphones back in. Alexis shakes her head at me, I say, "What?" She says, while crossing her arms, "You are going to need a lot of work." We sit back down, "I know I'm a dick to everyone but I mostly need to learn how to be a gentleman cause I want to ask a girl out, and I really don't want to fuck it up." She says, "Okay, first off don't use bad language. Girls hate it, and it shows you respect them if you don't do it that much." Then she says, "Wait?" "What?" "Have you even asked her out yet?" I look up from my food. "No, why?" She laughs, "Well you might want to do that so I know this date is even happening before I try to train you." I look at myself, "Oh, come on. She's going to say yes. I'm me." She looks at me in disbelief, "Really? Stop being so cocky and go ask her." I look over at Sam, "What's up with this guy?" She says, "Stop stalling and go talk to her."

I get up and start walking down the hallway. I see the girl and pop a tic-tac in. "Hey, my name is Ronnie." I shake her hand, "Hi, my name is Holly." She says while blushing. "I saw you out there cheering. You are really cute." She blushes again. "what do ya say we go out sometime?" I smirk. She says, "I would love too." She starts writing her number on my arm. As she is doing that I turn and smirk at Alexis. She rolls her eyes and turns back to her locker. I turn back around, "I'll call you later." I smile and walk off.

I pulled in my driveway and got out of my car. I put Holly's number in my phone. As soon as I walked in the door I was attacked by my sister giving me a flying hug. I laughed, "God, you act like you haven't seen me in years." She walks into the living room. "How was the first day back Mr. Senior?" I smirk, "Not bad. what about you?" She gets up, "No, no, no, oh, come on Ronnie, you couldn't even wait until the second day?" I say, "What are you talking about?" She chuckles, "I'm not dumb Ron, I know that smirk. Plus it doesn't help you have a phone number written on your arm." I say, "Shit." I go wash it off. "You didn't waste any time." I turn around, "I'm actually serious about this one." She laughs, "I'll believe it when I see it." We sit down on the couch, "How was your first day Sophmore?" She brushes her hair behind her ear, "Eh, it was okay." I laugh, "You aren't slick anymore I caught that." She looks shocked. "What?" I laugh again, "Brushing your hair behind your ear, you met a guy didn't you?" She buries her face in the pillow then looks at me, "Fine. You caught me." "So, what's he like spill the beans." I say while poking her. "He is a music junkie like me and he likes the same bands, and he's really sweet." I stop poking her, "What is his name?" She smiles, "Sam." "Well I hope all goes well sis. I'm going to crash early, night I love you."I kiss her forehead and she says, "Good night, I love you too." I shut my door locked it and laid down.

Then I thought, could this be the same Sam I was a dick to earlier? Before I knew it I was out.


Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading! :D

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