Pan!c attack

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" please...!" I woke up hearing someone yell this across the room. It was Jack! He was yelling the doctor about something.

"I'm sorry but it's the only choice I'm sure you understand." The doctor told him. What's going on I wonder.

"No please she's only 13 we just adopted her yesterday. We need her. I know how to handle these kind of things I used to have them all the time i know how to handle it." He started crying when he noticed I had woken up and stared shaking and panicking again.

"Jack...what's going on? What's happening to me? Jack?" I started yelling hoping for an answer as the doctors started pinning me down and Jack trying to pull them off of me but got locked out of the room.


It was only a dream. I was still in the hospital but nothing ever happened to Jack or me. I started crying again when I noticed Jack was in the room. He Came running toward me and held me close again. All I did was hug him back. We didn't talk for about 15 minutes we just sat there on my hospital bed and held each other close like nothing ever happened.

"I'm so glad your ok Jack. I couldn't stand to lose you." I told him still hugging him tightly.

"Why wouldn't I be okay? What happened while I was gone?" He asked letting go of me and looking at me confused. That's when I told him everything. About,my dream and why I woke up crying. Finally Mark came walking into my room holding two cups of coffee but he wouldn't look at me. He just gave Jack the other cup of coffee and walked back out.

"What's wrong with Mark? Is he mad a me? About my panic attack last night?" I asked Jack who told me everything. Mark wasn't mad at me,Mark thought I was mad at him. He thought it was his fault I had a panic attack.

"Mark? It wasn't your fault. I promise." I yelled at Mark as I tried walking out of my room but fell about two feet behind him. He quickly walked to me and held me up and walked me back to my room and sat me down on my bed but tried to walk away but he didn't see that I was holding onto his hand so that he wouldn't leave again.

"Dad! It's not your fault!" I yelled at Mark who looked at me in shock because I finally called him dad. He started to cry as he hugged me. Right after that Jack walked back to my room holding a gift box that said my name on it and he was smiling at me as he set it on my lap and told me to open it.

"What? You got me a phone! Oh my god thank you guys. I love it. You two are the best dads ever!" I told them hugging both of them as one big family. My dreams have finally came true. I have a family now,a family with my heroes.

That day they got to sign me out of the hospital and bring me home. I had completely forgot that I still need to make Jack and Mark father day gifts. How could I forget that Father's Day was tomorrow?

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