468 16 0

Trigger Warning: Suicide
Draco Malfoy


I've been lonely.

It's hard to continue on when there is no one who wants you alive.

My mother's dead,

My father's dead,

My friends are dead.

I have no one left.

It's stupid.

I've tried so hard and all I get is this.

The wind is cold

The building is tall

I'm alone.

I could jump.

Leap out.

Run away.

No one would care.

48 stories

36 degrees

Black shoes

Black suit

White hair

Cold eyes

Maybe I'm just selfish.

That's what they say about people who commits suicide, it's a selfish choice.

Well I'm done pleasing people.

I'm done living for other people.

It's not like anyone cares.

My feet slip

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