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Harry Potter


The hospital is very crowded.

I've never been to this hospital before, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't seen the light of day in a very long time.

It seems like press from every newspaper in Northern London was crowded into one room.

Most were wizard press, but why would they be in muggle London in the middle of the night?

I tiptoe past the Daily Prophet, carefully avoiding Rita Skeeter with her new muggle video recorder.

No way I was going to get into an interview in this physical state.

I approach the front desk where a short Hispanic women was sitting.

"Hi." I say quietly.

She looks up from the computer (Another muggle object. I'm really not sure what it does, but they're very popular.) and smiled.

"Hello, may I help you?" She asks.

"Do you know what happened to cause all this, um, publicity?"

"Of course. Someone attempted suicide today, but he somehow survived. It's a true gift from God."

Whoever it was, I guess they deserve God's attention. They must have somehow lived their life without committing any sins. Now that's a true miracle.

"Do you know the patients name?" Now I was really curious. Why would the wizarding world take interest in a suicide attempt?

"He has been identified as a 19 to 20 year old male that goes by the name of Draco Malfoy."

Draco Malfoy

No fucking way

"Can I see him?"

Why did I say that? I have no business in his life and personal issues.

"Are you related to him in any way?"

Well I definitely can't pass as his dad or brother.

"I'm his husband."

Ah hell. She's gonna catch on. She's going to see right through this facade and I'm going to be thrown in jail.

"Can I have your name?"


She actually fell for it?


What am I doing?

What would I even say to him?

Just because he's going through the same thing as me doesn't mean I can be his therapist.

Plus, he hates me!

I can't just barge into his hospital room and say, "Hey! I'm now your fake husband so keep up the act, okay?!"

"Harry Potter."

Was that me?

Did I just say that?

"Okay, I'll bring someone down to escort you to his room. Hey, and stay strong."

I smile weakly.

I'm going to hell.


A/N: Not really sure where I was going in this chapter.. But here it is!

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