Over The Knee

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WARNING: There is obviously some EXPLICIT content, including but not limited to, foul language, bad situations, implied and actual sex all spelled out in explicit detail, if I ever get around to it. So be warned.   Also, some odd kinks and not well known or generally unaccepted fetishes are introduced.  If you think this will offend you, STOP HERE.  Read no further, it will only make you upset.  

I felt his hand behind my knee.

"Silk stockings. Very nice." His hand slid up my leg and between my thighs, pushing my skirt up with it. Then he reached my bare skin. "Garters. You are an enigma Sienna Simmons."

"Oh, you are a naughty girl, Sienna. You wear a thong and wear them on the outside of your garters. Such easy access."

In quick succession he hit me several times, both cheeks. He dipped his finger between my nether lips. "Oh, you are enjoying this Sienna. So wet."

"No matter what you think, or how my body responds. My mouth and my head are saying 'NO.' This is assault. You will pay for this," I ground out between clenched teeth.

He laughed.

I finally got away from him.

"I quit." I ground out.

"I haven't fucked you yet, Sienna. You can't leave until I do."

I turned and ran away from his laughter.


This popped into my head after reading two things: 1) Cytolene's The Build Your Own Romantic Hero Kit and 2) "Anyone in their 30's-ish?" thread in the non-teen fiction club.

Had to get it out of my system.

So, I'm dedicating this to Cytolene. Thanx for your inspiration.

Okay, when I wrote this, it was supposed to be 'fun'. Re-reading this and I realize, this is not fun, this is dark and demented. OK, maybe not demented, but something is really wrong with me. *sigh*

04 Oct 2013:  I re-edited this and tried to make it more 'fun' *sigh* let's see how well that worked.

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