author's note

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Okay just so you know in this story Sam was never with Emily and this story Emily is one of those as best friends and she will be imprinted on by one of the other wolves and she is part of the tribe and related to one of the other wolves just so you know and in the story yes Sam will find out in the woods after the Cullens left and here's a little thing that comes are in on the secret with Charlie and that was going on with Bella and they are helping him and protecting her as a little girl in the story Bella have a sister will fall in love with Edward to help bring peace to the world of vampires and shapeshifters in the story that Edward and Bella have never been dating they were just best friends and he's not the reason why she was in the woods by the way she was in the woods because of no man's chasing her because I don't always like to make ever have to be the bad guy in some of my story as I do for when he leaves in reality I love Twilight so much and I am Team Edward but I do love to take Bella and put her in different scenarios so I love playing around Stephanie Meyers characters just remember all right smiling her like I told you guys before and this is just me if you are FanFiction so I just thought I should clear that up how was going to work that Emily was never with them in this story now I'm wondering if I should have Jessica or Angela as Bella's sister or if I should just put one of your followers as her sister let me know if any of you are willing to play that character thanks again One Direction fan 35

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