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Bella swan - things that she's a normal girl what she doesn't know is about her true heritage she's actually part of Jacob's try it what she doesn't know is that she's actually the niece of Harry and Sue Clearwater what happens when she finds all this out

Charlie swan and was married to Bella's mother they got divorced because things didn't work out but he always promised his mother that he would be there for Bella because when they were together he adopted the law but he's not her biological father her biological father is Harry Clearwater's brother was not meant to be a father at the time he was too young and let's just say he was quite abusive that's how Charlie and Renee got together so he was there for her because they were friends in high school because Charlie is from the reservation believe it or Charlie's sister was married to Billy Black she was Jacob's mother Charlie knows that one day Bella might join the pack so if they'll ever feels like going to live with him she can he's told that to Renee if your neighbor thinks that Bella is going to have to embrace your heritage that is one of the reasons why Bella moves to live with Charlie

Sam ugly will find love one day in the woods and we are home safely to Charlie he knows the secret and everything about her heritage all the Wolves though so they can protect her when the day comes over her to become a wolf he'll be the one to show her and guide her what happens though when the imprint on each other and fall in love

The Cullen family they are vampires but they know the whole story about what's going on with Bella they also too are going to try to protect her when she was growing up and everything and Edward like her best friend you do know the truth about the vampires and Rosalie is like a second mother to her when she needs advice she sometimes feels like Alice likes to dress up like a Barbie doll but each one Cullen family family member has a place in Bella's heart

Bella sis still trying to say he's going to play that person yet butt the sister also knows about what's going on with the vampires the sister also is part of the tribe and finds out about her Heritage to and ends up finding out that she's going to be a Edwards mate which helps bring the vampire world and the rest of the supernatural world together

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