chapter 29

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YouTube I know one thing for sure my wife to be with you everything about her to find me she wouldn't let anything happen she will fight until she has to she's one tough cookie when she needs to be she's tough as nails and I love her so much but they have to figure out how to get out of here I'm not about to let her fall into some type of trap

I like to see that it was still here and everything she's going to connect to have some reason why we are trying to figure out what to do to get out of here we both been talking and stuff about it I never thought I'd see the day that I would be stuck in this position but I'm glad I have somebody from the fact that can help me figure out idea of one way or another you need to get out of here without them knowing because these vampires are crazy and there's definitely something going on

Leah: a time that you woke up and everything we're the only ones here right now all the vampires are gone off to hunt somewhere they sent so something's definitely up we have to figure out well they're doing for sure hopefully it will figure out a way out of here safe and sound

Sam- which is a good thing I tell you one thing I don't want things quicker I get out of here and get back to the reservation quicker we can figure out what to do but make sure we bring down these Crazy idiot and I guess the reason why want to have to try and get my wife out of the way while she's not awake yet but she will be soon because how much 11 but they want to get rid of her because of her abilities and stuff and I know one thing for sure she will not let that be used against her more likely

She ability to do what she needs to do and get them back safe and sound I know one thing's for sure this is crazy I have to figure out exactly which way to turn I want to do for sure

Can that be overheard them talking something about planning some type of water with the name for an army and everything it's a good thing that I heard and my baby might be able to get some help which would be the Cullen family of course with a New Albany newborns in the wrong with the battery for some reason they definitely need to can that be overheard them talking something about planning some type of water with the name for an army and everything it's a good thing that I heard and my baby might be able to get some help which would be the Cullen family of course with along with Volturi for some reason they're definitely need to know what they have to do

Bella POV

Well hopefully everything will work out and I will figure out exactly which way to start me know when the other thing you ordered me and everything was coming this far and I'm not allowed to let them use me and try to pull me into a trap everything was sold to the Volturi so there's actually here to help them everything which is a good thing I know one thing for sure the only sure I can do what I have to do to get my soon-to-be husband back safe and sound I do not fall into the truck we need to make sure we do everything in our power to keep everybody safe around here we're not about to let these newborns that are hungry for power trying to take us down

but it's going to take us forever to figure out what to do and I hope we can find out exactly where they are have a good understanding of possibility because every now and then Leah's is able to send something to me 898 let us know how they're doing and everything

Aro- from what you're telling us and everything it's a good thing that someone has being able to get you a message to your mind thinking that so we will know whether or not it will be in big trouble when we go to get there but other than that we really need to be prepared and it's a good thing that Jasper and I was all about with the newborns are capable of

I was happy about that cause I could have some men are so either knows what we're dealing with and everything with that person because he's been through but he's been in the southern Waters of the South and everything which is good but now we have to know exactly when and what's the time you could have possibly be the back I have no clue but there's definitely something we definitely need to go into further

Definition of the rest and everything but it's going to be a long time to plan all this and figure out which way to go like I said This Means War to come up with a strategy and everything but I have to figure out is everything that we preparing for both the bility to fight I need to know can I stand up and do what's right has the white wolf of our tribe as the female Alpha of the tribe can I be exactly what we need

Jessica- since I know you whatever you're thinking stop overthinking that you are what we need and everything you wouldn't have these abilities if you weren't destined right now just shut up and help us find a way to get my soon-to-be brother-in-law back and get it back before everything goes crazy One Way Or Another We're taking those b****** and other idiots that is so call new Bron army remember this is the fight of Our Lives. 

bottom line I knew that my sister and everybody else around here was definitely right I have to say is one thing for sure hang in there baby in there we'll figure a way to get you guys out of there

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