6. Fall to Awake (Mine)

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Ang tula po na ito ay nasulat ko nung nag-test po kami noon.

Fall to Awake

Today there's a whisper come to hear

It's a familiar voice coz it so near

I used tissue to wipe my golden tear

That ours now is only a part of a deal

I assumed that us will be forever

It's like the song of a great rapper

Coz flow can't understand when get's faster

Especially, when you are a hustler.

You want to talk about that matter

So we meet under the Eiffel Tower

Saying sorry for all your guts

Begging for forgiveness but my answer is not

You know how much did I adore you

Now, we get a life so new

This time, is time to us, to end

To build a new start as a friend.

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