Chapter 19

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(Anthony's POV)

The next morning when I woke up I was still thinking about what Ian told me yesterday so I wanted to talk to Rachel about it but first I went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for me, Ian and Rachel I made pancakes I gave me and Ian three but I have Rachel four because I felt sorry for her I put it on the living room table for Rachel and Ian for them when they wake up but I just sat there and ate my breakfast until I heard Ian's door open and out came Rachel and Ian

"Good morning Ian good morning Rachel" I said trying to sound cheery

"Good morning Anthony" said Ian but Rachel just waved at me with a sad look on her face

"So how was your sleep?" Asked Ian

"It wasn't that bad I didn't get that much sleep" I said with a yawn

I saw in the corner of my eye Rachel was looking at me with a sad look so I looked at her but she turned back at what she was doing

"Ian could me and Rachel talk in private please" I whispered into Ian's ear

"Yeah of course" said Ian but took his pancakes through to his room to eat them

I walked over to Rachel and looked over her shoulder and saw that she was looking through Instagram but stopped at a pic of me I posted about a week ago then a drop of water dripped on her phone screen I looked at Rachel and aw she was crying I felt so sorry for what have I done she turned off her phone and turned around looking down but when she saw me I could see in her eyes sadness, anger and disappointment in her eyes she looked at me with her watery eyes with tears running down her face I then hugged her and she cried into my shoulder I let go of the hug and looked at her

"Look can we talk about it?" I asked

"Yeah after I get dressed and everything" she said wiping tears away from her cheeks and eyes

"Ok right go get ready and we'll talk about it later" I said going to my room with Rachel by my side

(Rachel's POV)

I went into Ian's room and saw him on his phone and a plate with nothing on it but I guessed it was his pancakes I got my clothes that I was wearing today I picked out black tights, shorts, a Markiplier t-shirt and a black twenty one pilots jumper I came out of Ian's room and went into the bathroom with my clothes with me I then locked the door then turned on the shower and waited till it was warm I then....

(skip shower scene)

After my shower I dried myself off and got dressed then dried my hair with my hairdryer and brushed it I looked in the mirror what I saw was horrible I saw in the mirror was a very skinny girl with pale white skin and a ugly look on her face I didn't want to look the the mirror so I unlocked and walked out of the bathroom and into Ian's room

"Hey Ian I'm done with the bathroom if you want to have a shower" I said putting my pjs under the pillow of Ian's bed

"Oh thanks I thinks Anthony's ready to talk to you now he said when you were in the shower so go through to the living room" said Ian walking to the bathroom to get showered

I walked out of Ian's room and into the living room were I saw Anthony sitting on the couch with his hands on his head looking down waiting for me I sat beside him and stared at him I know he feels angry and upset with himself must that's his fault for telling dad what happened between me and Chelsea Anthony looked up from the ground and looked at me so I looked at him back but I then looked at the ground I felt a hand on my back but I moved down the couch so the hand on my back would be off

Look...Rachel I'm sorry that I told Sean about you and chelse" said Anthony but I cut him off

"I didn't want you to tell him I wanted to tell him in my own time" I said with a little bit of anger and sadness in my voice

"But I wanted to protect you" said Anthony with anger in his voice too

"But I don't need protection Anthony I can protect myself I'm not five anymore in fifteen I'm a teenager!" I shouted

"I know but I care about you as my own niece I love you and so does Ian and he also cares about you!" Shouted Anthony with tears in his eyes but anger in his voice

"I don't care just shut the fuck up!" I shouted backing away to run out of the door

I ran to the front door then ran out to the street I ran down the street for what felt for hours but I didn't care I just wanted to get away from Ian's and Anthony's house until I bumped into someone I whipped away my tears and looked up it was someone that I never suspected to see again

well guys who do u think the person is who Rachel bumped into let me know by the way chapter 20 is going to be the last chapter to this book but don't worry I will make a sequel to it if u like it that much oh and also thanks to taraisnotamazing for helping me a lot with this chapter she was a great person to go to if u need help ok that's enough from me and I will see u all later

Bye-bye ❤️❤️

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