Chapter fifteen

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Michael's P.O.V.

When Gavin said "Lets do something fun" I did not expect ice cream to be involved.

We're in the park eating ice cream because when the ice cream van showed up Gavin had to get ice cream.

I roll my eyes as Gavin's ice cream runs down his cone and fails his attempts to catch all the dribbles. I finish the last of my cone and stand up. 'How does it take you so long to eat an ice cream? Can we pls go home?'

'One, I have no idea why it takes me this long. Two, I wanna get ready for something special tonight, so yeah we can go home.'

'Thank god.' I hold out my hand and Gavin grabs it. We walk to the car, hand in hand, getting disgusted looks from mothers trying to stop their kids looking at us. I pull Gavin into a kiss, surprising him, the mothers and their kids.

I laugh and explain to Gavin. He giggles as we get in the car. 'So to home we head. What is this special thing you have planned?'

'I'm not telling you. It's a secrete.' I pout and start the car.

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