Chapter twenty-eight

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Michael's P.O.V.

'Hurry up Gavin! We're going to miss the fireworks if you take much longer! They're FOR THE KIDS!!!'

'Okay Mi-cool. I got my food lets go find somewhere to watch the fireworks.'

Gavin takes my hand and we go to where everyone is waiting for the fireworks to start.

We are just settled into our seats as the fireworks start. I clutch my giant creeper that I won and stare at the sky with a grin on my face.

About halfway through the fireworks, Gavin stands up and gets something out of his pocket.

'Michael.' I look at him. 'I know we've only been dating for a couple of months but...'

He stands back a bit and gets on one knee. 'Michael Jones. Will you marry me?' He holds out a bronze ring with a beautiful designed etched into it along with the words, 'I didn't have to think twice.'

The grin on my face would probably scare children. I quickly nod and he slips the ring onto my left ring finger. I hold the sides of his face and bring him up to my face.

Before I kiss him I whisper 'Fuck yes.'

Gavin's P.O.V.

A couple of people around us seemed to notice what happened and started clapping in congratulations. I just continue to kiss Michael, grinning like a fool as much as he was.

We pull apart and side hug each other. Michael starts twisting his ring, thank god I got the right size, while staring at it.

'So what do the words mean exactly?' Michael look up at me still smiling but curious.

'When Ray dared me to kiss the hottest guy, I didn't think twice before kissing you. Saying yes to you when you asked me to be your boyfriend, I didn't have to think twice. And when I was buying the ring and asking you to marry me, I never thought twice. I didn't have to think twice about being with you.'

'That so cheesy, but I love it. And I love you.' His lips met mine but only for a short time before we watched the short remainder of fireworks.

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