Chapter 1

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I open my eyes to see her. I descry her immense smile. Her golden eyes widen when she notices I have awoke. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind. "Good morning Ban" she softly spoke whilst giggling. She is always giggling. "Yeah, good morning Elaine" I say smirking at her.

I blink then the tree is suddenly filled with amber flames. The orange tinted fire danced around me. I scream "Elaine! Elaine where are you?" I spin in circles over and over again. I cant find her! "Elaine please tell me where you are!" I hear a faint scream, it was her!

I see her golden hair through the burning flames. Elaine stay there! I sprint towards the flames, then I thrust my whole body through the fire burning my fragile skin. However to my horror I see a dead Elaine. She stands in front of me. She stares at me with those cold dead eyes, that crimson red demon stands behind her mocking me. "Why couldn't you save me? I'm dead because of you!" 

"No please Elaine its not my fault!"

Her blood drips down the side of her white dress. "Its not my fault you're dead! I told you to drink the water from the fountain of youth!" I shout at her. Suddenly tears fall from her eyes I fill with sorrow. "Ban. Ban. Ban. Ban." She repeats over and over.

"Ban wake up" I open my eyes to see Meliodas shaking me. My eyes scan the boar hat to make sure I'm back in reality. I see King, Diane, Merlin, Hawk and Gowther after checking everyone was here I look back at Meliodas. "Ban are you okay?" I hear King shout from the other side of the bar. "Yeah, why do you ask?" Meliodas looks concerned; he glances at King who looks up at Diane. King and Diane are of course sitting together looks like Diane is still small, they are always together after King divulged his feelings for her a few months ago and they started dating. "Ban, you were sweating and screaming in your sleep. You were shouting its not my fault your dead"

He heard me! I cant let them know about my dream. "I'm fine must have been a bad dream. However I don't remember what I dreamt about" I say forcing a smile to cover my face. Meliodas smiles back at me, his eyes wrinkle up and his yellow blonde hair flows with the wind. I get up to pat Meliodas on the head and say "Don't worry about..." before I can finish Elizabeth starts screaming at us, she is charging at us like Hawk does when running. Promptly, she hits her foot on a rock and falls face first on the floor. She is such an air head what does the captain see in her? She stands then Meliodas runs to her and then of course gropes her, oh yeah that's what he sees in her.

"Elizabeth what do you want?" I say bitterly. I hate her always thinking she is better than us because she is royal, she always pretends she is kind and would sacrifice her life for us but we all know that's a lie! Well I guess I'm the only one who can see her true intentions, as the rest of the group seems to love her. "Oh nothing Ban I'm just here to see my Meliodas and ask him something." She says hugging the captain.

"What is it Elizabeth?" Meliodas says in a happy voice.

"Well my father would like you to come and have dinner in the castle tonight!" she says busting with excitement "and all of you can come!" Everyone looks at each other. Then he looks at me and we have a whole conversation with our eyes. I say I don't want to go but he insisted. "Yeah we will all be there!" Meliodas says with a smile. Well I have clothing for all of you that my father wanted you to wear. She hands out these clothes designed for royals. "See you all at 7 o'clock!" she shouts as she runs away.

Instantly the captain turns to me "Ban you're going! Okay for me as your best friend please!" I feel bad but I'm just not cut out for big royal dinners. Nevertheless I need him to get of my case so I just agree to going "Fine I will go to your girlfriends stupid dinner!" He looks happy with what I said. I love seeing him happy.

Later on I walk off to the market, half an hour later I look up at a clock its 7:15. Finally it is late enough so I know everyone is gone I can go back to tavern. I fall asleep on the boar hats floor. About an hour later I awake as I hear the door burst open, I look up to see an incredibly angry captain. "Ban! How dare you skip out on dinner! I know you don't like Elizabeth but that girl is important to me and you skipped out on a dinner with the king!"

"Hey captain" I look over at the rest of the group and I see them all have the same expression on their faces sorry "I must of lost track of time"

"I told you to be back"

*flash back*

"Ban be back soon you know we have the dinner at 7 and you're not even dressed!"

"I will captain" I say as I exit the tavern.

*flash forward*

"Captain I'm sorry!" I try to say anything to get out of trouble. 

"Ban this was a dinner with the king you cannot just miss it!" king shouts.

"You know I don't care for that stupid princess of yours my presence there would just be a nuisance to the whole royal family." We all decide to leave it and I go back to bed.

My eyes close and then the whole world goes black then suddenly my whole sight becomes full of oranges, ambers, reds and yellows again. "Elaine!" my head goes through the same nightmare it has been 6 months and I haven't had a night when I hadn't dreamt of that day. It all started when I saw her again. I awake in a bed full of sweat I need to fix this! I can't keep torturing myself like this. The blood, the fire, the demon all the memories come back. No I need to stop. I get the thought out of my head and get ready to start my day. I know the captain will be angry at me, I hate it when he is angry cause I never get to see his smile. Wait what am I saying? But before I know it I'm blushing from thinking of his photogenic face and perfect blonde hair. Why do I feel this way after thinking about the captain? I guess I will never know. Without giving it a second thought I get out of bed and go to meet the rest of the gang.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long but it is finally here the next part will be uploaded on Tuesday (hopefully!) so I hope you guys enjoyed the start of 'Till death do us part' ~Grace

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