Chapter 2

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As I awake I crash onto my floor creating a thunderous sound, I check every detail of my large circular room to confirm I was in reality. Smashing into my room Meliodas spoke to me with his soft yet deep voice

"Ban are you okay, its one in the morning why are you awake so early? What was that sound Ban?" he then makes a revolted facial expression

"Did you have a nightmare or something?" he says in a sarcastic tone as he notices my soggy shirt. Looking down, I discern I am covered in my own nauseating sweat. Not even one inch of my clothes aren't drenched in the repulsive liquid.

"I'm fine captain!" I shout, was that my pathetic attempt at getting him to leave? I'm such an idiot! As he realises my distress, he exits my room. Laying on my rock-hard bed I attempt to return to my state of slumber; but all I can think of is her. Elaine, Elaine, Elaine! After ages of staring at the intricate designs on the ceiling, I decide to go down to the tavern.

Six drinks in I began to feel dizzy; the room started to spin rapidly. Leaning back: the back right leg of the oak wood stool I resided on slipped. My body collided with the ruff, grimy floor of the Boar hat. I lay still. For a moment I could swear I felt purity happiness; a tunnel leading into a blinding white light. All I could think of was how I was going to see Elaine at the end of that tunnel. Her long blonde hair blowing in the wind, her golden eyes twinkling in the light. I yelled her name! However the face I saw; the face I pictured at the end of the tunnel wasn't hers. It was his. His golden, scruffy, flaccid yet beautiful hair and his shiny-emerald eyes staring into mine. Meliodas.

Abruptly, the door from the upstairs rooms swings open; creating a tumultuous noise as it smashes into the harsh brick wall. As my ears notice the deafening sound the image of him fades away like it never existed.

"Oh sorry about the noise I didn't mean to slam the door. What are you doing drinking at 3am? And who is Elaine?" Suddenly I spring up; without thinking I grasp the mystery persons white collar.

"How dare you ask me about her, how do you know that name?" my gaze moved upwards to the insensitive arseholes face, I instantly feel the embarrassment pulsing through my blood

"I'm so sorry Meliodas!" My cheeks boil as they turn blush pink.

I instantly run upstairs, my feet slide round the corners of the hallways until I reach my destination. Entering my bathroom I lift up the toilet seat and begin to be sick from the mixture of alcohol and humiliation. Suddenly I hear a soft knock at my door.

"Ban are you in there, I wanted to talk about what happened downstairs you have been acting weird recently. I just wanted to see if you were well...okay?"

Okay...he wanted to know if I was okay. He cares. He feels so much for me he implied he wanted to know if I was okay!

"Meliodas, um I'm fi..." quickly a waterfall of sick suddenly hydro pumped from my now weak body. He bursts in; his hands instantly touch my back.


"I'm fine! Just I had about six pints maybe seven pints of beer"


"BECAUSE OF HER! Because of Elaine!" I say as I give up the commitment I had to this secret I have stored away for years.

"Who is this girl? Ban you can trust me; I care deeply for you" wait what he loves me!

"I mean you're my best friend!" oh obviously, Meliodas in love with me that's a ludicrous idea!

"Elaine was a girl I loved strongly; however she was murdered by a demon" my eyes began to water; salty-bitter tears stream down my face. The emotion I feel is somewhere between rage and grief.

"Ban I never knew it's okay. Its all going to be splendiferous why don't you hold a funeral to commemorate her?"

"NO I CANT I JUST CANT DO THAT WITH OTHERS! SHE WAS MINE!" my arms shaking, no my unabridged body is vibrating voraciously.

"Ban" he says as he grasps my hand "you don't have to do it with anybody else!" His eyes begin to sparkle in the crappy lighting of my petite bathroom.

"Meliodas I cant just get up and abandon the team I whisper with my shaky voice."

"Ban I don't care; I rather you go then die in battle from being intoxicated. If any other member altercates with me then they can fuck of!" he states as we both burst out with laughter, because we couldn't contain our emotions anymore. We look over at the clock and discover the time is six in the morning.

"Lets get some sleep" I nod my head in agreement. Meliodas leaves silently as I lay down on my bed. My mind ruptures instantly. Staring at the ceiling all the thoughts and questions start to fade away into an oblivion. As I lay with a silent brain; the world for only a moment the world is peaceful I feel a sense of serenity. My body is starting to slowly relax and diminish its liveliness. The whole world stops orbiting the sun, and it feels like nothing matters to me anymore. I just want to exclaim all of my emotions from the top of building.

Elaine tomorrow I will start my journey to where you died, to where you were murdered. I love you so much however I cant continue my life in this state. Meliodas is right; I must pay my respects to her then move on. I cant believe I am going back to the fairy kingdom. Then I fall into a state of deep sleep.

A/N: Hey guys I'm deeply sorry I haven't updated in ages but I'm going to start to update regularly. Thank you to everyone who has read my first fanfic it is at 1.9k so thank you so much this means so much to me. Also thank you to anyone still even reading this story and who have supported me. Also do remember if you have any ideas or questions about my fanfics please message me or put them in the comments below and I will reply as soon as possible. Love you all and once again thank you!


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