The Evening it happened

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Jessica had a bad day and her split up with Sam was hard to take for her. He left her alone and he was everything she had. She was exhausted and sick and tired of being alone. She wanted to feel sexy again, to be loved again. So she decided dress nice and go out. She wore a dress, that ended above her knees and pushed her breasts. She had her hair long again and curled it into perfect curls.

The people will know and probably annoy me. What am I going to do about this? Ah shit happens! They won't do more then asking for an autugraph and I can handle this! Jessica you dereve this and enjoy yourself tonight! she thought and drunk the little bit of wine that was left in the bottle. She was already drunk and it was definitely not the best descision to go to a bar in her state.

She checked herself one more time in the mirror and left. She drove to a bar far away from her home and hoped nobody would know her, but she had no luck. Of course  everybody knew who she was when she entered the bar.

The people started whistling, but nobody said anything to her. She sat down at the bar and the bar keeper asked her what she wanted.

"I take a martini, please." she said and smiled nice.

"Sure Ms. Lange. Everything you ask for." the keeper said and walked fast away to make her martini.

This was the first time she looked around and saw this man, standing in the corner of the bar. He looked at her, too. Their eyes met for a few seconds and then he looked away to walk out of the bar. Jessica then realized that everyone was staring at her.

Everyone. She felt uncomfortable and thought it was a dumb idea to come. She was going to drink her Martini and leave afterwards.

"Your martini Ms.Lange. Can I bring you something else?" he said and put the martini in front of her.

"Yes, the bill please and thank you." she said and took a sip of her martini.

With every minute she spent at this bar, she felt more uncomfortable and as she paid the bill and drank all what was left of her drink she stood up to leave. She didn't notice that a group of young men followed her.

She had to walk a little to reach her car and she felt that someone was staring at her and she turned around to see four young men behind her. She could tell that they weren't older than at least 30.

She felt bad and turned around and walked faster to get out of that situation.
She stumbled in haste over a stone and fell to the ground. Oh great Jessica. First you dress sexy and go drunk to a bar and then you fell when four people chase you. You are a dumb whore.

One of the men came and helped her up.

"Ms. Lange are you alright?"

"I-I am f- fine. T- Thank you." she said with angst in her eyes and a shacky voice.

She wanted to turn around but he grabbed her arm and said "Why the rush? We have all the time in the world. What do you think about staying a little bit longer. I think nobody is waiting for you, because your children are grown and your lover left."

This was the first time she realized that nobody was going to help her. She was all alone and felt terrible. She was scared and  shivered.

"N-No I-I think that isn't the b-best idea." she tried to say calm and convinced but her voice was shacky and quiet.

She looked around and nobody was there to help her. She was alone, in the middle of the night, somewhere in the middle of nowhere and with four men.

"Ms. Lange are you afraid of us? We haven't done anything." he said and lifted her chin up so that she had to look into his dark and deep eyes.

"Please, let me go. I-I haven't done anything and I-I have no money with me." she said now tears running down her cheeks.

"You think we want money?" he said with a cocky voice and looked down her body.

She realized that her situation was worse than she expected. She began to cry and tried to run away. His grip tighted around her arm and he got angry.

"Where are you going Ms? We are in the middle of nowhere! We can do with you whatever we want and nobody can hear your screams."

She cried and thought her situation was hopeless as he kissed her rough. He pushed her against a tree and forced his tongue into her mouth. He pressed her so hard against the tree, she couldn't breath. She didn't know what to do, so she bit on his tongue.

He let go of her and held his bleeding tongue.

"You damb bitch. I will teach you who the boss is." with these words he slapped her across the face and she fell to the ground.

The other came too and hold her while the man, which probably was the boss of the group and which had slapped her, took his belt of. He forced his way on top of her.

She screamed and tried to hit the guys and kich them but they were stronger than her. The man who was on top of her reached between her legs and tried to pull her panties down, but she kicked him.

"You are a fighter, but we are more. Except it and stop fighting and I won't hurt you too much." he said and grabbed again between her legs, this time rougher.

Jessica cried and screamed as he finally unzipped his pants and put them down with his boxers. He was going to enter her as she heard screams and saw the man, she has seen in the bar before. He held a baseball bat and had hit all of the guys.

He helped her up and embraced her.

"Is everything all right Ms. Lange?" he said nice and gently.

"I-I-I think so. T-Thank y-you." she said still crying.

"Where is your car. I'll drive you home." he said and he picked her up and carried her to her car.


I hope you enjoyed this so far. I think I will update soon and I hope you don't mind the mistakes ; )

A special  man Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora