Do I love him?

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The next day Jessica woke up after Leo. She walked to the closet and saw her old things. Didn't he say that she would get them in two weeks?

She didn't care and was happy to wear her old and comfy stuff again. She chose a sweatpants and a big pullover.

After she changed she walked into the bathroom and cleaned her wound and changed the bandage afterwards. It still hurt but it wasn't as bad as the day before. She put her hair into a bun and walked down the stairs.

Leo was nowhere to be seen and Jessica was parts glad and parts sad. She was still hurt that he did that to her the day before but she missed him.

She missed how he kissed her Goodmorning and how he wrapped his arms around her torso. She just missed him. He was so mean and hurt her but she did have feelings for him.

He only did that because she didn't do what he told her to. Jessica knew he told her so many times what would happen if she wouldn't listen to him but she dared to do it again.

In her mind he was right. He warned her many times but she still kept doing the thigs he told her not to do. He sensed that she was angry and so he slept ok the couch.

Jessica secretly hoped that he would come up at night and hug her close but he didn't.  She realized that she missed him even though he was hurting her. She couldn't believe herself.

Did that mean that she loved him? She couldn't love him. He was being an ass and he hurt her bas. Why should she love him after all he did to her?

She heard the front door opening and saw that Leo was back from wherever he went to. She didn't want to admit it but she smiled as she saw him. His presence calmed her down in some weird way. She couldn't feel like this. She was supposed to hate him for what he did and not to love him.

He smiled at her sad and didn't expect to hear her voice or get a kiss. He walked past her and to the refrigerator in the kitchen. She watched him and didn't want anything more than just to go over to him and kiss him.

She pulled herself and her feelings together and looked offended and angry. He turned around again and saw her looking at him. He smiled a sad smile and she just looked at something different.

He just nodded his head and walked again past her and to the front door. He unlocked it and wanted to step out of the door when Jessica said "Thank you."

He stopped and looked at her confused. "For what?"

"For giving me my own clothes back." She said and smiled a weak smile.

"You are welcome. You deserved it and besides that I can't stand you seeing in this clothes." He closed and locked the door behind him and Jessica was alone again.

She was bored and didn't know what to do so she just started to clean and after she cleaned the whole house it was 4 p.m. Where was Leo? She began to worry. He had never been away for so long. He would normally just leave for am hour but not for eight.

She felt even more bored now that she had nothing left to do. In the house was no television and so she had to do something else. She didn't have a phone or something like that to entertain her so she searched for a book she could read.

She didn't found a single book in the whole house and so she searched for something else. Nothing. She didn't find anything she could do and so she started to cook. After she finished dinner it was 6 p.m.

Leo stoll didn't come back and Jessica felt even more bad now. She missed him terribly. He was the only thing that made her smile. It was sick that she had feelings for him even though he did all of this terribly wrong things to her but she couldn't do anything against this feelings.

She pit the food into the oven to keep it warm. She sat down on the couch and waited. One hour went by... and another hour went by... and Jessica fell asleep.

When she woke up it was 10 p.m. but Leo still was not back. She began to worry and freak out. What if something happened to him?! What if he laid somewhere in the woods and needed help?!

She didn't want to think about such things. Leo was alright... he needed to be. She jumped off the couch and ran to the door as soon as she heard the key clinging from outside the door.

Leo opened the door and she hugged him tight. He was totally surprised because he didn't expect her to act like this and hugged her back after a few seconds.

"Don't you ever dare to leave me alone for this long! I was worried about you! " She said and tears streamed down her face.

"I just thought you would need your space after what happened last night. Listen. I am really sorry for what I did-" he was cut off by Jessica who kissed him passionately.

"You don't need to be sorry. I did something wrong and you needed to punish me. Don't worry I will never do this again.... I love you." She said.

He smiled from ear to ear. She said it for the first time. She said for the first time I love you. He couldn't believe his ears. He dried her tears and kissed her again. He closed the door and locked it again.

He walked with her back and they fell together onto rge couch. She hissed in pain
Because she landed on her arm and he stood up again.

"I think we should eat now. Or did you already eat?" He said and pulled her up.

"No. I waited for you. The food is in the oven." She said and smiled at him.

"Good girl." He said and kissed her.

They ate and went to bed. They cuddled and she felt happy for the first time in weeks. She felt home even though she had to live under strict rules and if she broke them she got punished.

She loved Leo and would accept his rules. She would do everything to don't get punished and that meant she had to be the perfect wife, maid and sex partner.

She could handle this. She just hoped that the arrival of his family wouldn't change too much. He didn't tell her how long they would stay but she hoped not too long. She wouldn't be able to relax if they would.

She soon fell asleep and Leo watched her the whole night. He was happy that she seemed to accept his rules and that she finally said that she loved him too.

He waited for this sentence to escape her sweet lips one month now and he finally got it. He knew it would be hard but it was heartbreaking to see her cry.

He felt bad because he took everything from her and expected that she would just take it like that and live under his new rules.

He should have been more caring and understanding. But he wasn't and that made him sick.

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