I am sick.

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Jessica woke up the next day happy. She looked up and saw that Leo was watching her. She smiled at him and kissed him.

"Good morning baby." He said and squeezed her ass.

"Good morning honey." She said and brushed her hand through her hair. 

Suddenly she felt her stomach turn and ran to the bathroom. He was right behind her and held her hair back as she emptied her stomach. He rubbed his hand in circles over her back and soothed her during the whole time.

She came up and tears ran down her beautiful face. She walked over to the sink and she rinsed out her mouth. She looked up at him and said "I never throw up!"

"Darling. It is probably only the flu or something like that. I am sure you will be soon alright again." He said and kissed her forehead.

He went down the stairs and she changed into her outfit for the day. She walked down too and made him breakfast. After they ate, he left.

She was alone again. She didn't feel so well so she laid on the couch and rubbed her hand over her stomach. She didn't have much time to relax because she had a daily routine and she knew that he would punish her when the house wasn't clean and the dinner not cooked by the time he came back.

She stood up and walked into the bathroom. She began to clean the toilet but when she leaned down she felt sick again so she threw up into the toilet instead of cleaning it.

She somehow managed to get through her day and before he came back from work, or that is what she thought he would do the time he wasn't in the house but she wasn't sure, the house was clean and the dinner in the oven.

She heard the key and smiled to herself. She hated being alone and whit him away and nobody to keep her company she was alone most of the day.

He walked into the kitchen after he locked the door again and kissed her before he sat down. She served dinner and they began to eat.

"So how was your day?" He asked her and smiled.

"I threw up a few times but other than this not very different from yesterday." She said and smiled back.

"Really? What do you think? Why are you throwing up?" He asked curious.

"I don't know. It could be everything..." she said and looked at him confused.

She wanted to ask why he asked this but he said no questions so she didn't.

"And was something else different? Did you feel like yourself?" He asked and she looked even more confused at him.

"No... it was a little bit weird because I wanted to eat peanut butter and I normally hate peanut butter... but that is nothing special... Sometimes I have this." She said and his eyes lit up.

She didn't want to upset him so she shut up but he was acting weird and she didn't know why.

"Jessica you might be pregnant..." he said and she almost chocked on her food.

"You can't be serious... I am 60 years old... I can't just get pregnant." She said and laughed.

"You don't understand. Since I moved in with you one month ago, I have been giving you medication. The doctor gave them to me. They caused changes in your body which means you could be pregnant now." He said happy.

For her it was like a punch into the stomach. She couldn't be pregnant... not in her age... not at all! She gave birth to three children and she knew, she wouldn't survive another birth.

He hugged her happy and she was just shocked. She couldn't believe what he told her.

First marriage then pregnancy. Both things she didn't expect and want. But now she had both of them and she needed to accept it.

She accepted the fact that she was married already and pregnancy... She would accept it as soon as she could feel the baby or see her belly grow.

"I need to call the doctor. He needs to come and check on you." He said and stormed out of the room and into his locked office.

She sat there and was still shocked. She was pregnant. She heard him but her mind didn't want to hear what he said.

She hoped this would be just a bad dream and she would wake up soon but it wasn't and she didn't wake up.

A baby. She didn't want to have another baby. She had gone through this three times and it was enough. But now she was pregnant and she couldn't change that, could she?

Of course there was still abortion but Jessica didn't even think about this for one second. If this child was inside of her it would stay until it would come out during birth.

She gently caressed her stomach without realising. She just sat there and didn't move until she heard the doorbell ring.

Leo ran to the door and let the man in. It was the doctor he had called. Jessica sat there thirty minutes without realising.

She stood up and walked over to them. She greeted the man and he told her to lay down on the couch.

He made an ultrasound with the mobile ultrasound device he brought with him. He put the cold gel onto her stomach and she knew instantly why she hated it.

It was cold and she began to shiver for a few seconds. She looked at the monitor next to her face and saw the little peanut like thing in her stomach and knew she was pregnant before the doctor said anything.

"I am pregnant." She stated and a tear ran down her face. She managed to hide it so Leo wouldn't question her why she cried.

"Yeah. How did you know?" The doctor asked.

"Three pregnancies..." she said and smiled.

Leo hugged her tight and said happy "You are giving me my first child Jessie! I am so happy. I love you!"

He kissed her passionately and she kissed him back. She acted as if she was happy but inside she was sad. She didn't know how she should survive another pregnancy...

The last one almost killed her but now... with 60? It was even worse.


After the doctor was gone Leo said "You know. My family will be so proud of you! You adjusted really fast to all of this and now you are pregnant. You are in week two... I am so proud of you. You are so strong. You will be a good mommy."

He kissed her and she smiled a sad smile. In fact she already was a good mommy. She had been a perfect mom to her three children and she missed... No. She couldn't think about them or she would cry again.

She carried her into their bedroom and kissed her cheek. "You know. My brother and his wife are moving into this house as soon as my parents are back. You won't be so alone as soon as Christine is here too."

Jessica smiled. She would finally have some company. She wouldn't be so alone anymore. And she needed the help, now that she was pregnant...

They soon fell asleep but the sleep didn't last long for Jessica. She couldn't sleep. She had to think about all the things that happened to her.

And again her thoughts wandered to her children...

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