Episode 1

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"You've got to be kidding!" Cori stared at her mother in horror.

"Honey, the company wants me in China to close this business deal by Monday," Cori's mom told her. "I'll be gone a week, so it'll work out perfectly."

"You really want me to go to summer camp," Cori eyed her mom incredulously.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'd take you with me if I could," her mother answered apologetically.

"But summer camp is so uncool," Cori whined. "Why can't I just stay home? I'm almost 18. I'll be fine."

"I'd feel better knowing you weren't all alone," said her mom. "Besides, you always had fun when you went to camp before."

"Yeah, when I was a kid," sighed Cori. "Anyone in high school that still goes is a total nerd. I can't believe they even have a program for anyone over 12."

"Come on," her mom pleaded. "It'll be fun!"

"But mom, they don't even get cell service out there!" Cori grimaced. "What if Miracle 10 has a live broadcast and I miss it because I can't access the streaming app!"

"You'll survive," said her mother. "Besides, it'll do you some good to interact with some real people. You act like you're in a relationship with that band."

"Not 'that band'. Just Tanner. And Miracle 10 are real people!" Cori argued. "Are you seriously going to make me go?"

Clearly the answer was yes- and Cori was soon lugging her duffel bag onto the tribal-designed bus.

"This is going to be the worst week ever," she thought as she moped down the aisle.

The bus was already pretty full. The crowd was mostly made up of a ton of kids younger than her who were shouting rowdily, but Cori did recognize a handful of girls from her class who were chatting together in the seats near the back. However, these were girls she never talked to at school. The kind of girls she hung out with would never willingly go to a summer camp- they'd be ridiculed.

Sitting down alone in the very last seat, Cori pulled out her phone and looked at the screen, checking her signal.

"Please stay full," she begged the service bars, but her hoping was fruitless.

The farther the bus rolled towards the camp, the less signal she had, and soon, she knew she had absolutely no chance of watching any streams of Miracle 10.

"Goodbye, life," she sighed, shoving her cell back into her bag and staring out the window.

Her hometown was long behind and the bus was now surrounded by nothing but green.

"We're here!" one of the girls in front of her cheered when they at last pulled through the gates. A large sign read 'Camp Cobo'.

"Wow, I haven't been here in years," Cori thought as she stepped off of the bus and looked around. "It hasn't changed at all."

A row of old wooden cabins sat in front of the tree line, a large mess hall stood opposite, and a long, wooden dock led out to the enormous lake.

"Well, maybe I can at least work on my tan," she tried to think positive, but at that moment, a blonde girl wearing a blue polo appeared.

"Welcome, everyone! I'm Dezarae, Camp Cobo's #1 counselor. Now let's get you your bunk assignments!" she grinned, and with a look at her clipboard made her way over to the youngest campers first.

"Dezarae?" Cori watched in horror as the girl directed a couple of kids to their cabin. "Of all people, Dezarae, the most popular girl in school, is a counselor? This is so embarrassing!"

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