Episode 10

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"Alright! Here we go!" Nicky returned after a few moments, a glossy acoustic guitar in hand. "What should we sing?"

"Any requests?" JM smiled at Cori, taking a bite of his toast.

Cori shrugged shyly, but Kole, who was now burning another slice of bread, chuckled.

"Come on, Cori!" he grinned. "We know you like us. What's your favorite Miracle 10 song?"

"Umm..." Cori felt her cheeks burn like Kole's toast as all eyes fell upon her. "I like 'My Fate'," she answered at last, naming the first song to pop into her head.

"Of course she picks Tanner's solo," snorted Axel.

"Yeah, how about one we can all sing?" laughed Kole.

"Oh, I wasn't thinking," Cori apologized, glancing embarrassedly at Tanner.

"Don't be mad because she has good taste," he grinned proudly.

"I can pick something else," Cori quickly added.

"No, it's okay," said Nicky suddenly, as he finished tuning his guitar. "Tanner can sing the first one," he smiled, strumming out the first few notes of 'My Fate'. "Take it away, Tan."

Taking a sip of water, Tanner nodded and began to sing.

"Is this really happening?" Cori was immediately awestruck as Tanner belted out his song. His voice was loud, crisp and clear- and as he reached the chorus, he turned to look right at her. "This can't be real!" she held her breath in the magical moment. "And to think, I was worried about missing a Miracle 10 broadcast if I came out here for the week. Talk about a live stream!"

Cori continued to take in the surreal concert, but when the time for Tanner's high note arrived, his voice cracked and Kole let out a laugh so disruptive that Tanner did not go on.

"Tan man, what was that?" Kole teased.

"The fire's making my throat dry," Tanner grabbed his water bottle and took another sip.

"Oh, is that what happened?" Kole was not convinced.

"This is why we have really expensive vocal software at the studio," JM whispered to Cori.

"Whatever!" Tanner glared at him, jumping up. "Let's hear you sing something!"

"How about we all sing something this time," Nicky tried to halt the impending argument.

"Go ahead. I'm out," Tanner rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" asked JM.

"To take a dip," Tanner replied. "I'm sick of not being able to shower," he finished, turning to leave, but Cori caught his eye.

"I thought you sounded good," she whispered.

"Thanks," he said and a smug smile crossed his lips before he stalked away.

Cori watched after him, her heart feeling happy, but JM's voice quickly brought her back to the campfire.

"So, what are we gonna sing?" he wondered.

"Cori, do you know 'Picture You'?" Nicky asked.

Cori nodded and Nicky once again began to play, the rest of the boys singing along.

Despite the absence of Tanner, listening to Miracle 10 perform live was still a dream come true. However, all-too-soon, the song came to an end.

"What next?" asked Nicky.

"'Mon Ami'?" JM suggested.

"Ugh, can we please get past our last album?" Axel sighed. "It's getting so old."

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