Cheer Him Up

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The drive home was silent but Ford knew the look on Fiddlefords face all too well, it was a face his mother used to wear, when Ford used to be picked on, he knew what was coming when they got home and he had to prepare himself, he had to be a better partner than his father, he couldn't get angry at anything small, he couldn't do that to Fiddleford or Tate, he was going to be a proper fatherly figure, unlike his own father that would get drunk and be even more abusive to his mother and the young twins. Those were the days Ford started to learn that not everything would always be how it was, he wouldn't always have Stanley, he had to learn to fend for himself. In some ways, he was thankful for those days, it made him capable of helping Fiddleford and Tate through everything they've been dealing with.

"Tate, honey, can you go up to your room for a little while? I have to talk with Stanford." Fiddleford asked, standing on the porch. Tate did as his father said, without saying a word, he ran upstairs, trying to cover his face with his hands as he wiped more tears. They waited to make sure he was upstairs before they began to discuss the situation. "Stanford..." Fiddleford said quietly, he wasn't really sure what to say at this point. "I know...Look, Fidds, I'm...." Ford sighed, he knew everything was really getting to Fiddleford lately so he had to choose his words carefully. "sorry, we can't stop the other kids, we have no control over that, all we can really do is teach Tate not to be ashamed of who he is. The truth is, those kids aren't going to stop and you know it. This wasn't even very much, they're too young to really start bullying, we all have to be ready for when they are." Ford put his hand on Fiddlefords shoulder slowly, knowing Fiddleford still had the tendency to flinch before physical contact, especially in certain areas. "I know, I just wish we didn't need to." Fiddleford hugged Ford tightly. "I know Fidds, I know....but Tates a strong kid, he's your son after all." Ford smiled and kissed the top of Fiddlefords head as the southerner leaned into the hug. Fiddleford smiled lightly and pulled out of the hug, wrapping his arms around Ford's neck and kissing him gently, Ford put his hands on Fiddlefords hips and swayed back and forth as if they were dancing. They pulled away from the kiss. "I love you." Ford pressed his forehead against Fiddlefords. "More than all the stars in the multidimension." He chuckled and pulled Fiddleford closer and gave him another kiss, but the southerner pulled away faster than he would have liked. "We should probably check on Tate." Fiddleford chuckled and smiled, looking his partner over one more time, taking in all of Ford's handsomeness one last time before they went inside. Ford chuckled as they headed inside, and went upstairs to make sure Tate was ok.

Fiddleford slowly opened the door to Tate's bedroom. "Tate, sweetie?" He asked for his son and looked around the room, Tate was nowhere to be seen. "Ford!" Fiddleford already began to panic, Ford tried to calm him down. "Shhh, Fidds, I'm sure he's fine, we haven't even checked the rest of the house yet, he might just be in the bathroom." Truthfully, he had a sinking uneasy feeling in his stomach. He knew Tate liked to go on his own adventures and the fact he was upset probably made him want to leave even more. The two frantically ran around the house looking for the small brunette. "He's only five!" Fiddleford screamed and started to get really really upset, he looked like a complete mess. "Exactly, he's only five, he couldn't have gone far." Ford said, trying to reassure Fiddleford the best he could. "You know what's out there! He could die!" Fiddleford shouted out of anger and frustration. Ford sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and started to pace. "Now how is that gonna help!?" Fiddleford grabbed Fords arm firmly and looked him in the eyes. "Stay here." Ford started to run towards the elevator, "Hey! Where do you think you're going!?" Fiddleford tried to follow. "Fiddleford, stay here." Ford turned and looked at Fiddleford who was on the brink of tears. "Trust me, he'll be fine."

Ford rode down the elevator to he and Fiddleford's private study, the door was open. Tate had wanted to go down there before but, Ford and Fiddleford wouldn't allow him, and Ford had a feeling he took the opportunity while he and Fiddleford were talking on the porch. Ford ran in to see Tate standing at the back of the room talking to one of the tapestries printed with a one eyed triangle. "Tate?" Ford slowly approached but Tate didn't respond, he just continued to talk to the object on the wall. Children were more sensitive to the paranormal so Ford wanted to be as careful as possible. "Bill..." he said quietly. Ford wasn't scared of Bill but Bill's idea of fun and sense of humor wasn't exactly appropriate for a five year old to be exposed to. 

"Oh! Glad you could join us, Sixer. This little ankle biter seemed upset so I thought I'd cheer him up." Bill made himself visible to Ford, he was holding hands with Tate but his other was twirling a cane. "You brought him down here? Without asking Fiddleford or me?" Ford started to sound a bit angry but he tried to calm down, he didn't want to be hostile towards is ever so generous muse. "Well, you and Specs seemed to be getting close so I didn't want to interrupt. I'm not rude." The triangle laughed and then pushed Tate towards Ford. "But here, have Nosey back." Bill floated over to Ford. "But you know, since you're down here, we have some work to do." Bill put his cane around Ford's neck and stared at him with that one giant eye. Ford sighed. "Tate, go upstairs and tell your Papa I'll be back up soon." Ford asked and reached his hand out for Bill. The triangles eye widened and shook the six fingered hand.

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