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Kenzie POV
I was so excited! Last day of university finally, after I finished school I still didn't know what I wanted to be when I was older so mum suggested I went to university to study more and find my dream job. I was now 20 and still had no clue.

When I was little I had always wanted to be a music video producer, I wanted to be the person who directed music videos or I wanted to be on radio. I had always wanted an exciting job and not just a boring one. When I was 17 I started a YouTube channel called "kenziesworld." I wanted to just have like a hobby to help distract me from school and all dramas.

It took me a lot of courage to start YouTube as I was so nervous but I am so happy that I did! Now three years later I had 250,000 subs! Compared to big Youtubers that may not seem a lot but to me it is crazy to think that those people watch my videos!

I woke up early to go get ready for the leaving ceremony. I put all of my makeup on, straightened my hair and then chose what to wear. It took me ages to chose but in the end I went for a army print cami with my little shorts and flip flops.

The ceremony was long but me and my bestfriend George just giggled at our phones and sent eachother weird snapchats.

After the ceremony I went back to mum and dads with all of my boxes from my uni room. I luckily found a small flat in my home town London to rent out since I did not want to live with mum and dad all over again.

"Wow I can't believe you have finished uni! Any ideas on what you want to be yet Kenz?" Dad said jumping down on the sofa next to me.

"Nope" I replied slurping my tea.

"Oh for goodness sake Kenzie! You still don't know?" Mum said coming into the room with a tray full of biscuits.

"Huh? Look mum it really doesn't matter! I just want to focus on my YouTube for a couple months like Kendall said then I will start thinking about jobs" I said snatching the Oreos.

Kendall was my manager for YouTube, although I didn't have a huge channel all channels like mine with over 100,000 subs mostly had a manager from management's. I was a part of gleam. Loads of huge Youtubers worked for gleam and I was so happy to be apart of it! I get paid £550 a month as long and I have 4 videos up on my channel on time.

"Look Kenz, I know you love your YouTube and me and your mum are so proud of you but your priority right now needs to be your future." Dad said.

"I know! Please stop pressuring me!! It's my life and I will do what I want ok? Look I should get these last couple boxes to the flat. Thanks for the tea." I said grabbing my bag and boxes.

"Darling Please wait we are just trying to help you....." Mum said anxiously.

I gave her a hug then hopped into my little mini. Although I got £550 a month all of the money was going towards my flat so I had only a little car.

I pulled into the drive of my new flat and went inside. I loved it! It was right by the London eye and was so cute! It was already done up with fairy lights and my furniture was all ready, all I had left to do was the pictures on the walls and all of my filming equipment.

I was finally free. Free from school and free from my parents. I was so excited and happy!!!!

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