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Kenzie POV
I couldn't sleep all night worrying about that comment about me using Joe, I would never dream of doing anything like that! I worked really hard for my subs and hated that people would think that of me.

I told Joey what had happened and he told me to just block it out but it was harder than it seemed. I woke up early to get dressed and do my makeup as I invited Joey and George to go shopping. I was nervous for George to meet Joey because he was one of those really over protective bestfriends who didn't like any guys I liked. He was like that needy parent but I loved it. Luckily they started talking and are now good mates. I picked up my bag ready to leave and meet the boys when j got a text.......from Joe.

Joe - Hey Kenzie, we still on for tonight filming? I know it seems quite sudden and we don't know each other but It will be fun I promise!

I twiddled the end of my newly grey dyed hair nervously and without thinking replied.

Kenzie - hey Joe, maybe tonight isn't such a good idea. Thankyou though and yes it would have been fun :)

Joe - Oh ok, sorry was I too forward? I kind of get a bit over excited about filming collabs especially with a girl like you! <3

A girl like me? I felt bad but I just wanted to chill with my bestfriends and not worry about YouTube for a while.

Kenzie - Oh no not at all! I'm just not really up for YouTube at the moment, I'm sorry.

Joe - Hang on?!? Not up for YouTube? Kenzie your channel is amazing and I'm not just saying that! Your one of my fav Youtubers for real!

Kenzie - Thankyou, I love it but sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming.

Joe - I know what you mean.

He was being so kind to me even when I cancelled last minute. I tried not to think about it and went to meet the boys at Costa. They were already there waiting there for me.

Tbh I was crushed that Kenzie cancelled. I mean I know it was all a bit sudden but I she seemed like one of those really easy going people that I knew I would have so much fun with.  But I know how she felt. Although we always tell people to block out the haters sometimes it's hard to when they are constantly tweeting and commenting horrible things.

I was scrolling through my Twitter to find any comments which might have upset Kenzie so I could know when Caspar walked in.

"Hey Joe, what time are you seeing that Kenzie tonight? I want Josh to come over so he needs a time" Caspar said flopping down on my bed with his phone in his hand.

"No time. She cancelled." I replied trying not to come across upset but of course Caspar knew me too well.

"Oh, there was probably like a good reason Joe, don't be too upset." He said turning off his phone and looking at me.

I replied with a simple "hmm" and Caspar took the hint and left.

I was really upset about not filming with Kenzie. Her videos were so funny and she was like the girl version of me.
I wish I could find out why she cancelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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