Moving to a New Town

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Mom has us moving to a new town were other kids live, it's gonna be so cool. I was so excited, we got there quick and the Machoke Moving company helped us unpack. It was late though so I decided to go to bed, the next day I decided to go meet the other kids that lived here. First I knocked on the girl next to us' house. Once I knocked an woman that must have been her mom opened the door, "Oh you must be the new kid, I'll get Erica," She scurries off to get her daughter. Hey maybe me and this girl could be friends, I think to myself. Then a girl with brown-black hair that is Asian appears, "Hi, I'm Erica, what's your name?" We walk outside and I say "I'm Jack, Nice to meet you!" We walk around for awhile just talking and then a kid appears out of no where and yells really loud "FIGHT ME MATE!" "What the heck?"I say. Then he throws a pokeball at me. "Ow what was that for." Then a Pokemon appears, it's a Buizel! "You Baka, he wants to battle!" Erica says. "Uh, ok, I need a Pokemon," I say. "Never mind, I got this!" She sends out a Chikorita! "Woah! Those are good Pokemon!"I say. "Pinstripe, use water gun!" The boy yells. "Chikorita, use Absorb!" Erica says excitedly. Erica quickly beats Him and he then introduces himself. "Hey I'm Elias, I'm a Pokemon trainer nice to meet you. I gotta run see you around." "That was intense!" I say. We walk back and say goodbye. All I can think about is Pokemon for the next couple days. Then on my Birthday my Mom and new friend, Erica surprise me. "Hey Jackson we got you something," my Mom says. "Your gonna like it you idiot and you better thank me."Erica shouts. I come downstairs as quickly as possible. "What is it!?" I ask excitedly. "Your very own Pokemon!" They cheerfully say in unison.

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