My Own Pokemon

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"SHINX!" I gasp and can't believe my eyes! "My very on Pokemon, thank you! I'll name you Aurum, it means gold in Latin and I know you'll be golden! I've thought about that name forever!" I squeal. "Calm down Baka, now you have to battle me!"Erica taunts. "Outside you two, quickly, before you mess up my clean house!" We rush out and  send out our Pokemon. "Go Aurum!" I yell excitedly. "Have at it Chikorita!" Erica shouts eagerly. "You know, you're a nerd. Latin to name your Pokemon, seriously!" "Shut up!" I yell. "I think it sounds cool, now use spark, Aurum!" "Shiiii!" Yells Aurum as it rushes at Chikorita. "Chikorita, use vine whip!" Erica commands. Aurum is grabbed mid-charge and the electricity runs through the vines. Chikorita drops Aurum. "Oh no! Chikorita, your paralyzed!" Erica complains. "Yes! Now, Aurum, finish it with tackle" Aurum runs full force one last time at Chikorita and with that last hit, knocks it unconscious. "Hah, I win!" I proclaim triumphantly. "It's ok girl, you gave it your all," Erica says blandly. "Let's go heal up." She says. "Good boy Aurum!" We walk to the Pokemon center and Erica is saying how that was just luck when... "I see you have a Pokemon! Let's battle!" Elais appears from no where and shouts. "We need to heal first." I say. "Oh..." Elais says with a defeated look."See you then," He walks away glumly. Once we heal up at the Pokemon center I decide I want to go on a Pokemon journey. "Hey Erica, do you want to go on a journey with your Pokemon?" I ask. "Well of course, but I would need a Pokedex and my Mom would worry so much and..." She drones on. "I do, and maybe my mom will let me!" I say excitedly. "I doubt she'll say yes." Erica says. "Well it's worth a shot!" I walk home and think all night and watch Aurum rest. "I wonder what you're thinking little buddy." I say to the sleeping Pokemon. I decide to sleep on it and ask in the morning. I'm woken with a violent start! "Oh no!" I rush down stairs and see what's up. It's Erica's house. I rush over and burst through the door to meet a scene of absolute horror.

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