Chapter 2

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You quickly call your mom and say you are going to your friends house. You catch up to her and start walking.
  "Why do you think they are here in (your city)?" You ask her while getting out your earbuds.
   " I have no idea. Maybe they are passing through? Anyway... are you ready to perform?" She questions you. You have to think about it because you are excited and nervous. You decide you are ready.
   "Yeah I think so. I mean people usually like when I perform." You smile at the thought of people enjoying what you are doing. You get to her house and plop down on the bed and wait for 4:00. She comes up with snacks and drinks.
   "Want to watch a movie?" You ask already looking through her stack of movies. Both of you decide to watch a horror movie because, why not? You start watching Would You Rather.
  "Hey! It's time to go!" Your friend yells shaking you awake. Suddenly you are wide awake with the thought of performing. Your mom still thinks you are at the friends house. You get slightly mad at the thought of your mom. She doesn't support you on the dream of getting signed to a company. You have to hide that you do this from her. While you were lost in thought you didn't realize you reached the place you usually dance. It is a big patch of cement with benches around it. A perfect place to perform. 'Finally' you think getting even more excited.
   "You ready?" (Best friends name) asks you. She has a laptop and speaker in the ground. She is the one that controls what you dance/sing. You usually only dance to two songs. Sometimes you end up doing three because the crowd wants you to. 'Downtown is busy' you think getting more nervous. Suddenly a song you have danced to millions of times comes on. Dope. You snap back to reality and start to dance and sing along. You mimick all the moves and words flawlessly. Before you know it a big group has gathered around and it isn't even the middle of the song! This is what you love about what you do. You love grabbing people's attention and them liking what they see. The song ends and people cheer. The nervous feeling from before is gone. All that's left is enjoyment. The next song starts. Save me. This song just cam out so you don't know how people will react. As you continue in the song you didn't notice a certain group of people walk over to observe. Save Me ends and there is the loud sound of cheering. You decide not to do another song because if you weren't home soon your mom would know something was up. You turn around and almost pass out at the sight before you. Bangtan walking closer.
Hi! I hope this wasn't terrible! It's still a little short but I wanted to get to the part where BTS shows up :p. Hope you liked it! I should mention that this is my first fanfic so please go easy on me :)

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