Chapter four

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You convince (best friends name) to stay the night since it was a Friday. Before you went to sleep you mad plans with the boys to hang out. You texted with Jimin a little bit so you weren't as nervous.
" Ahhh I'm so nervous!" Your best friend said holding her cheeks and rolling in the ground. You laugh at her cuteness.
" I'm more excited than nervous" you say honestly. You are still a little nervous though. You and your friend would spend an entire day with them! You wondered where to take them because there was so many places to go.
" we should take them to the amusement park!" ( best friends name) suddenly said as if she had read your mind.
" if we are we should get some sleep" you say with heavy eyes.
Time skip~
You wake up and crawl out of bed carefully to not wake up your friend. You weren't meeting with the boys until 2 so you had time to do what ever. You walk downstairs and see a note from your mother.
I won't be back for a couple days. It's something for work. I left some money for whatever you want to do.
Love mom.
You look at the letter and scoff. She does this a lot. She says its for work but she is lying. She runs off with her boyfriend she thinks you don't know about. You shake your head and decide to make pancakes for you and your friend. When they are almost done you see her come down the stairs to see what you are making.
"Ooh pancakes! Yum!" She says drooling.
"Hey these are for me too!" You say knowing that she could eat all of them herself. You finish eating and notice you have around an hour to get ready. You take a quick shower and throw on a plain white shirt with ripped jeans and high top converse. You finish the outfit by tying a flannel around your waist. You let your friend borrow some of your clothes and head out. You tell them to meet you by a small coffee shop across the street. You order a drinks for you and (best friends name) and wait outside for them to show up.
Hi! Sorry for such a short update. I have been busy so I will make the next one extra long! I swear the story gets better!

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